Neo Geo Service Menu (FBA) [Android]

I’ve been able to enter the Neo Geo service menu a few times seemingly on accident from the FBA menu. I can’t for the life of me figure out how to do it again. I’ve seen in the cores documentation that it’s a 4 button hold and press thing, but I can’t get that to work and I’m pretty sure that’s not how I entered it to begin with. Using the android version BTW. Please help.

You should be able to enter it by toggling the Core Options-Diagnostics to Enabled in RGUI.

Is that it? No key presses after? Whenever I’ve got it to work, it seems like I have to hit a key/keys to enter.

I could not find such a core option. I want to access service menu too.

Try the latest test build… Has the neogeobios in core options