Nes turbo buttons

How use x and y Xbox pad buttons as turbo buttons on nes core?

FCEUmm core has this built-in, Nestopia does not.

Is there any chance of getting this for NEStopia? I consider NEStopia the better emulator. FCEUmm can’t even play Castlevania III (J) properly.

Sorry for ressurecting an old thread, I did a little bit of research and found the other thread where the turbo feature was first implemented for FCEUmm.

I certainly appreciate the efforts.

But to be honest, I think it would be a huge improvement if there was option on the front end called ‘turbo mode’ (set to it’s own unique hotkey, independent of the main hotkey), which when held in combination with another button, switches that particular button to turbo.

Setting all buttons to turbo just isn’t practical. If you’re playing an SNES or a Playstation game where most of the buttons are mapped already, obviously it wouldn’t make sense to give each button it’s own separate turbo button. But it also doesn’t make any sense to set all buttons on these particular systems to turbo at the same time. Chances are, whatever game you are playing is going to have a control scheme where only one button needs to be turbo. An example would be a fighting game, where ‘turbo attack’ would be ideal, but not ‘turbo jump,’ because maybe holding the jump button longer results in a higher jump.

Most games will only benefit from one, perhaps two buttons being set to turbo.

Another alternative would be to create a ‘turbo 2’ hotkey to auto-assign X and Y as turbo A and B. To be honest, I’ve never had any desire to play any games past the 8bit era with turbo buttons. This could be a solution for 8 bit gamers without interfering with the current setup.

The system that truly needs this the most is Turbo Graphics 16. The whole system was based around having a gamepad with built in turbo. It just feels inauthentic to not have a working solution for this.

I just opened a PR to add turbo toggles to the core options in beetle-pce-fast.

Awesome, thank you so much!

Link’s Awakening uses A+B+Start+Select to bring up the save screen :open_mouth:

Here’s the current implementation, which just makes everything except directions go turbo as long as you’re holding down the enabling hotkey:

I have my left trigger set as turbo enable for all the cores that don’t need it for something else. How it works now: I hold down the button I want to be turbo and tap the trigger. Then that button is turbo until I let off the button. I’d rather it stay turbo until I tap the trigger again while holding that button, TBH.

[QUOTE=Awakened;47871]I’d rather it stay turbo until I tap the trigger again while holding that button, TBH.[/QUOTE]That would be an awesome addition.

I’m used to the current turbo implementation, it’s not a bad system for just 1 button used.

If someone modifies the turbo system could you please see an old issue that is still there: the turbo turns off if a game slows down with some settings.

The current default “turbo period”= 6 / “duty cycle”= 3 is quite slow compared to the fast setting of the pc-engine joypad turbo button (my reference to play those shmups on that system). 4/3 is the fastest I could get but then it stops working when the game is slowing down or just randomly.

Last Resort on Neo-Geo (Mame) is a good test. Your turbo fire will become a “long push” charging shot when the game is getting slower.

It can also just stop working: Double Dragon 2 on NES depending of one level or another, or just when you load a save state at random. Same behaviour with Hana taaka daka! on pc-engine, for the games I can remember but it happens frequently with many others.

This. This is exactly what I have in mind.

The way it works now is kind of awkward. Let’s say I’m playing Batman for Gameboy. Turbo attack (shoot, button B) is useful, Turbo jump is not, because you have to hold down the jump button to get a higher jump. So if I’m on the ground and want to rapid fire shoot, I have to remember to let go of the turbo key before I jump, or else I might not jump as high as I was expecting, and I’ll fall into a pit.

If it’s the kind of game that you’d actually use turbo, chances are you’re going to use it often. With my toggle on/off per button idea, it would, in practice, work very similarly to how it does already, it would just mean that you don’t have to hold down the turbo button every time you want it, which again, if you’re using it at all, is probably going to be all of the time.

There was a gamepad for SNES that had switches for every single button.

With the toggle idea, it would be like having that gamepad for every core (except for cores where you need to map every single button, and a dedicated turbo button isn’t practical).

What would be really sweet, is if you could toggle a button twice. Like you cycle between medium turbo, rapid turbo, then to off again. But I’d be happy with just an on/off toggle.

oh yeah, I have an asciipad. arguably the best third party gamepad ever created :stuck_out_tongue:

Indeed, it was…

We had one when we were teenagers. It might still be in my brother’s things, I’ll have to check.

I didn’t care for it at the time, because the D-Pad was a little stiffer than what I was used to. But I’ve grown rather fond of my 8bitdo controllers, which also have noticeably stiffer D-Pads. Regardless, the Nintendo-style crosses were much better than the Genesis and Xbox d-pads. I always preferred the Nintendo style. Playstation is ok, certainly better than X-Box, but still not quite as good in terms of feel.

Looks awesome! Thanks for working on this, I couldn’t imagine a better solution.

There’s a lot of shmups where you want to go turbo and then stop it to charge your special shot with that same button.

I think the toggle idea he’s working on would still work well. If you have ‘shoot’ set to Y, and turbo toggle set to L or L2, you can still quickly switch between the two. It would just mean a whole lot less pressing of the L2 button. It would mean you press it once change to single shot mode and charge your shot, and then a second time to go back into turbo mode. That’s only two button presses.

But if that still wouldn’t be ideal, an alternative would be a ‘turbo toggle’ mode on/off setting.

If it’s set to ‘off’,’ it could work just the way it is now. If it’s set to ‘on,’ it could work the new way we’ve been discussing.

Yes if it’s just a hotkey to put a button in turbo ON/OFF mode it’s OK, I’ll get used to it.

But if there is just one turbo speed hotkey that you’ll have to press several times to change the speed levels before going to OFF, that wouldn’t be convenient.

If both hotkeys are there (speed and ON/OFF) no problem, you could use whatever you prefer.