Nestopia core - is there a way to use custom color palettes?

I can’t see a way to do this, but I wanted to make sure that I wasn’t just missing something. I see the palette selections under Core Options but I’m hoping there’s a way to load custom color palettes like you can with the Nestopia/FCEUX emulators.

Not possible, unfortunately :

"There’s been a core option to change palettes in libretro for months now. Loading a custom palette is something I’ll have to think about a bit harder.

In Windows you have to click through layers of GUI to find the option to change palette, but it is there."

[QUOTE=Oggom;18935]Not possible, unfortunately :

"There’s been a core option to change palettes in libretro for months now. Loading a custom palette is something I’ll have to think about a bit harder.

In Windows you have to click through layers of GUI to find the option to change palette, but it is there."[/QUOTE]

Thanks for the link. Yeah, I know about the Core Options palette selections but none of those options suit my needs. I’d like to be able to load the FCEUX.pal.

Looks like rdanbrook closed that issue, so perhaps this something that would need to happen on the libretro level and not something that could be handled per core.

I decided to add a feature request for more palette selections: