Nestopia Core Overscan Problem

In the standalone nestopia emulator, we have the option to crop each side of the screen separately. In the retroarch core, it does both top/bottom together and left/right together. So although vertical overscan hides cropping at the top of the screen, it takes too much from the bottom of the screen. I would also like to crop the left side of the screen in some games because some games still have flickering there. I’m Using reshade overscan to fix that, problem is, it does the xmb menu too. So I would like to ask for these overscan option to be separated into 4 options instead of just 2 so that we can give different values to each side of the screen.

The ability to save configs per game would be good also. Because all games don’t have problems in the same area regarding this…

This is also really needed for all turbografx cores because they don’t have any of these features at all and we’re stuck with black bars.

For now you can do that with a shader like crt/crt-geom or a shader pass with misc/image-adjustment.

You’ve got the 1st scanline/ last scanline parameters in pce_fast core options. I ported those to the supergrafx core here.

okay, thank you. I didn’t know what 1st scanline/last scanline even meant. Is that particular option for vertical only? I’ll give those shaders a shot. But overall, sounds like an option that should be univeral through retroarch and not through the cores. It looks like vb games are cut off a lil at the bottom. And we all know the deal with ps one games. But misc/image-adjustment.sounds like it should do the job well and universally for now.