Netplay Feedback! 1.4.1

Hi, From your experience, which Mame core seems to be the best for Netplay ? (Windows 10 + Retroarch 1.5.0) thanks

I’m unable to connect with a friend of mine on neither 1.4.1 nor 1.5.0. I use macOS and he’s on Windows. I posted an issue for it on GitHub and was told that GPGX doesn’t support cross-platform netplay, yet I’ve seen posts from many others (albeit for older versions) that claim otherwise?

We keep getting the message “This core does not support inter-architecture netplay.” We’ve tried bsnes, Snes9x, PicoDrive, and Mednafen as well. Mednafen is the only one that actually stays connected but with horrible stuttering and input lag. RetroArch and all cores are updated and we verified the versions and game titles match. We’re both using 64-bit as well.

When I boot into Windows we connect just fine, without the stuttering/lag. What is the actual status on cross-platform netplay right now? Is interoperability part of Libretro’s goals?