Netplay Feedback! 1.4.1

Hi there! Just tried new RetroArch 1.4.1 and it’s working pretty smooth. My friend and I played through TMNT using Picodrive core via netplay. I am wondering, is it possible to play online PSX games? We tried Fighting Force but as soon as my friend connects to my lobby the game starts to play slowly and laggy, basically unplayable (we tried both Mednafen PSX and Mednafen PSX HW). We tried enabling Stateless Netplay mode in settings but that just freezes the game completely.

P.S.: Changing internal GPU resolution in Mednafen PSX HW crashes RetroArch 1.4.1. It was fine in 1.3.6 though.

Working netplay: bsnes FBAlpha FCEUmm Genesis Plus GX MAME Picodrive Snes9x

Broken: GLupeN64 Mednafen PCE Fast Mednafen PSX Mupen64Plus Nestopia UE

Cores working well with Netplay atm:

-GameBoy = TGB Dual -NES = FCEUmm -SNES = SNES9X -Megadrive = Picodrive -Arcade = FBA/FBA2012

Picodrive is working great. Played Street of Rage 2 without lag Snes9x works good also Mame and Mednafen Saturn freeze when I start to host FBA 2012 Neo geo crash every time someone tried to connect to my game. Is anybody been succesfull to play neo geo games ? What about unibios and overclock options ? Thanks

For Neo-Geo you need to have the same core options the host have: bios and controls (those in the core options menu, remaps are fine) can cause issues.

Thanks for answer Tatsuya79. If someone want to try Neo Geo games with me. I will host under HOSTILE1975 name, and with Bios enabled and overclock at 200. And I set neo geo games to AES JAPAN. So please do the same, to connect to my game.

Is there a way to disable pause on window unocus? I am trying to do a test on my own machine with 2 versions of retroarch but every time the focus changes it auto pauses. (Edit I found it under user interface: Dont run in background.)

I am able to do a netplay session with Fceumm just fine on the same computer, but only after using the scan local network option. Not over the internet or actual network using two different computers.

To be able to show up in the public room, I had to give my self a username under the users section in the settings. Majority of my roms come up as (00000000) for the second number but it still says 100% compatible content found. then Failed to initialize net play. I tried disabling firewalls and allowing application etc. still cant seem to connect.

2 Feature suggestions:

  1. setup a ping test of sorts in retroarch to validate if external hosting and net play sessions are valid for the host (check if firewall will allow traffic out and in, or maybe this check is already being performed if you can see other people?)
  2. Play a distinct sound when someone has joined your session just in case you are waiting and not watching the screen.
  3. Maybe show the number of players already joined to a session so you can tell before you join it if you can play or just spectate.

Yes, there is. You can disable that in general RetroArch settings.

Edit: Settings -> User Interface -> Don’t run in background -> OFF

Hey there! We did a few levels of SoR 3 together just half an hour ago (I was Blaze then Roo). Sorry I had to drop out, got things to do.

What do you think about the performance? Are you a European? :smile_cat:

I’m asking because it was pretty much flawless for me except doing specials was a bit harder due to lag, but that was the only aspect of the game where I could even feel it. Which is great.

It’s really laggy on my Shield TV. It’s always trying to catch up and it’ll put me in strange places after frame drops. SFII worked okay but bomber man didn’t. couldn’t get any N64 or PSX to work and I think some of the cores don’t match across platforms.

Hi Birm, Very good time on Street Of Rage 3. Performance is fantastic, no slowdown, no problem. For me It was perfect Yes Im in Europe (France) Would you like to test Neo Geo Games ? If you want you need to enable unibios and overclock at 200. And to set Neo Geo games to AES Japan. See you

Hi Birm, We had a great game on Street of Rage 3. From my side, I had no slowdown and almost no input lag. Yes, Im from Europe. Do you want to try Neo Geo games next time ?

Sure thing. If you have discord we could meet at the official Retroarch channel , maybe?

Snes9x 2017 just keeps saying “content not found,try manual connect or disconnect from host”

Nestopia UE works great online as well. I’ve played Battletoads and River City Ransom with different people on multiple occasions. Don’'t know why it isn’t recommended or labeled as “broken” for netplay.

Now I just get “failed to initialize netplay”

I had to manually add a port forward on my router before I could host. I checked my router’s upnp status whenever I would start to host but it never got an entry for the RA port, and nobody could connect to me until I added the port forward. I thought it was supposed to have upnp to automatically configure your router, but I guess it doesn’t. Another thing is that only a very small number of games came out of my scan for SNES roms. So I always have to load a game myself and then start the netplay host. Maybe that’s why I can’t seem to join hosted games from the netplay tab? Not sure how to join a game listed on the netplay tab under the wireless icon.

I sometimes feel like I have the correct cart but it’s named differently. is the file name taken into consideration?

hasn’t been mentioned, could be due to core difference or cart difference or also, I’ve had to join then manually boot the game and it joined.