Netplay issues rnd 2

since sept i kinda waited for updates to retroarch to c if it would clean up and clarify network settings; which it did and i love it. anywayz, tldr of rnd 1 was mk 64 gave failed to ini; no matter wat i did and tried sega genesis games and netplay wrked perfectly.

fast fwd to now, from ver 1.3.6 to a clean 1.5.0

my current setup is much the same from last time, both comps on 1 router, 1 64-bit system, the other is 32-bit and both win7

b4 i set off on this adventure of frustration and trial/error i did the following:

both set to display adv settings, use the same emu, same rom, both show v1.5.0 at bottom left, made sure evrythng was updated except for content and thumbnailz for consistency in testing, and portz displayed in netplay settings r opened for the comp hosting the game only.

the test beginz XD

32-bit system is hosting; starting with mk 64 on mupen64plus, it gives failed to ini on 64-bit and 32-bit immediately crashes as soon as i join; which is the same stuff i got bak in sept and on all attempts.

i switch to the 64-bit system as host, adjusted open ports for that ip, server ip is set properly on 32-bit system now and cleared out my server address option as i’m the host. evrytime i host, the rom shows immediate signs of slow emulation speed and audio stuttering; which isn’t present on the 32-bit, but it crashes so i nevr rly know. fps goes between 21.9-22.2 as host, emulation/audio is playing at like, half speed or somethng during 1 lap test on luigi circuit. playing without hosting i get consistent 30.1 fps on same test and as a client it runs fine but, mayb bcuz the host crashes and netplay isn’t in effect, idk. on 64-bit it shows “name has disconnected” and 32-bit shows “implementations differ”.

ther were definitely 5+ attempts on both sides for sure, wasn’t keeping track.

the following settings on netplay is from my 64-bit, keep in mind server address was blank when i was host, the rest of the settings are the exact same on both comps:

i tested the same genesis games that had perfect netplay ability and those seem to not wrk anymore, host side would always get “does not support inter-architecture netplay” and client side would always get “failed to initialize”. keep in mind that this used to wrk without issue in ver 1.3.6 that i had bak in sept.

sry for wall o txt, but with any trial/error; it’ll most certainly end with 1

any fixes to wat i describe? any adjustmentz that i need to make in settings that i left out? any alternative steps that i can test for functionality? and finally, anythng else that i need to specify other than netplay settings?

i sincerely ty for ur time and assistance on my situation

Which core are you using for the Genesis netplay? Picodrive should work inter-arch, I think…?

The state size of mupen64plus is too large for effective netplay, IIRC

genesis plus gx, i’ll test out picodrive when i get a minute to do so

i’ll also try the alternative n64 core that retroarch has as well to c if ther’s any luck

also, wat’s definition of state size in the emulation world?

editz: tried picodrive and paraLLEl N64 and both failed to open when selecting a game

tried rescanning directory and same thng, also tried restarting RA and same thng

tried loading picodrive and paraLLEl N64 manually, 1 at a time, gives me menus as if genesis game was running, selected run and black screen with frames at top left of window going nutz, going thru 3k-5k fps or somethng. selecting mk 64 rom shows “fail to open libretro core” respectively.

only way to open mk 64 and genesis games with those roms is via load content/drive/parent directory/roms folder/rom

64-bit system as host, genesis wrkz, method used was i select “start host”, 32-bit “connects to host” and load both roms at relatively the same time (5-10secs or so) and it wrked

mk 64 on paraLLEl N64, 64-bit system still host, and shows connection being received then 5secs later shows “name has disconnected”. 32-bit systems receives “netplay disconnected” and half emulation speed at start-up

32-bit system is now host, 32-bit loads up the rom via method mentioned earlier and black screen, displays that 64-bit connected then disconnected. the 64-bit system shows the rom running as normal and “netplay disconnected” and that’s it.

tldr: genesis netplay is fixed, altho it has an inconvenient rom launch alternative to allow it to run and mk64 still unnetplayable :frowning:

still on topic and more of an inquiry than a problem but, how’s the stability of netplay on the dolphin core?

i’ve read the dolphin core thread on front page and it seems like it’s something i shouldn’t b testing netplay on yet, as it could b a whole new nightmare on its own for me lol

ra should inform the user if a core update is available when hosting a ROM