Hi, I’ve been trying to run Retroarch netplay over a LAN, and I have two issues with it.
1.) desync when using Runahead. Host and client start to show different behavior on screen pretty much as soon as the game starts. Very apparent on a fighting game where the AI will do different things, have different stages, etc.
2.) As soon as I host a game, I get maybe two frames of input lag, even in stateless mode. I’ve never measured it, but I definitely notice a delay when hosting is on. I’m playing on a wired LAN, so I don’t need rollback netplay or anything like that. I set all the input buffer settings to 0 but the lag is still there. Is there a way to disable all of that and go peer-to-peer stateless over a LAN? That plus getting Runahead working over netplay would be the best possible configuration for me, so I hope it can be done!