Netplay - Retroarch 1.2.2 - WIndows 10

I’m trying to setup Netplay using the latest stable version of RetroArch (1.2.2), I’m using Windows 10 Home (x64). When I go turn it on and try to start a game with netplay on, I get this message. “Movie playback has started, Cannot start netplay” This makes no sense to me, I’m not recording or playing any movies, in fact best I can tell I have all that off / disabled in the settings. I’ve tried multiple games with multiple cores and it makes no difference, i even tried a fresh copy of Retroarch 1.2.2, and it didn’t work. Any help fixing this would be greatly appreciated.

Yes, known issue

Thanks for the update Radius, is there a fix or workaround that i could use to make it work or if nothing else perhaps an “unstable” build that it’s been fixed in?

Bummer… I planned on trying out Netplay soon.

Nightlies are built every day, so you’ll have it the day after it gets fixed.

hmmm for me netplay does work… and when it fails it prints the wrong message but it still works.

ok still not working, just to be clear what settings do me and my friend have to set for me and him to play via netplay?

One side needs to be server, the other side client, server shouldn’t set an IP address, and of course you have to forward the port on your routers, and load the same exact core with the same exact rom

Does the client have to open the port too, and which port do you recommend, or does it matter?

Both sides the port you set and make sure to open TCP and UDP

Had it working but now it won’t.Trying to figure out why. Something must have gotten changed or something, but we have all the network settings set correct we believe.

Question does the host’s IP have to be blank or will 0 work or should it be set to the IP?

host must stay blank

Only problem is, if I leave it blank, When I go to start the game with netplay enabled it never loads, it stops and all that’s open is the little black screen that stays open (the game never opens) any idea why this happens?

yes, it’s waiting for client, it’s always been like that

okay, so the game doesn’t load and sits on the small black screen until the client tries to join in?

it opened before when the client hadn’t joined yet, then the client joined a game i already had up, that’s what confused me.

So all I need to do at that point is wait for the client and the game will load?

yes it should

ok thanks, we’ll give it a try next time we play.

Thanks Radius, it worked just fine now, one thing though, we want to play together with cheats enabled, how do we do this, it seems to disconnect from netplay, either when cheats or turned on or maybe its when the host accesses the menu, not sure which causes it to disconnect but it does.

I think it’s the loading of the cheats file, but either way, it disconnects the client when I try to load the cheats file. Are we doing it wrong or is there no way cheats can be loaded during netplay?

As I understand it, cheats work by modifying RAM values, so that’s going to cause a desync just like if you loaded a romhack and the other person didn’t.