New Cores From EmuDeck

EmuDeck is a fork of RetroArch for streamos But what EmuDeck supports main cores like rjyunix , cemu , psx2 , rpsx3 , etc What kind of joke is this Can’t RetroArch team get them Just fork them , its easy dude

EmuDeck isn’t a fork of RetroArch. It’s a set of scripts to automate the installation and setting up various emulators. In example it will install and setup RetroArch and supports many other standalone emulators too, but they are not integrated into RetroArch. EmuDeck, after the installation, comes with a unified user interface on it’s own. RetroArch is only one of the programs that EmuDeck will install and setup.

In fact, you can use EmuDeck without RetroArch.


Oh So there are no cores