New CRTSwitchRes update

Oh! an Eizo. :heart_eyes:

ÂżLinux or Windows?

Try activating “Integer Scaling” in Settings, video, scale.

Looks like you have custom scaling on. This should be off and you should enable core provided aspect ratio

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To answer this: Because it doesn’t in fact work on every setup (e.g. in a case of mine on a Notebook because resolutions get created on the wrong output) Another possible reason I believe may apply is that because some cores normally do not provide an accurate aspect ratio or resolution in RA, and you have to make manually adjustments. I would think that the same applies when using switchres.

If it is Linux, you only have to activate 31Khz and Integer Scaling in a super resolution, you don’t have to do anything else, create and change the resolutions dynamically.

If you put your monitor index on 20. CRTSwitch will add the resolutions to all connected outputs.


@alexb3d yep. it’s a flexscan f931. got it for 30€ on kleinanzeigen (german craigslist). think I made a pretty good deal. they are hard to find. @Alphanu thank you. that worked. - activating core provided aspect ratio instead of custom.

It was just what I saw in youtube tutorials. they are both using windows. so that may have been a reason for why they did it differently.

But it works perfectly now. I made the crt my primary and set the monitor index to 1 monitor to avoid stuttering or stuff like that. Doesn’t interfere with the lcd except for a short black screen when starting up.

I am using 3840x240 resolution at 120hz.

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I kinda feel the horizontal is not quite right. Also the scanlines make the image quite dark. maybe I should go to 480p instead

then I would have to deactivate crt switchres though

How can I get a niccer gui upon startup? Right now it displays rgui upon startup which is not that pleasant to use without thumbnails and stuff.

RGUI can do thumbnails. If you want to use a different menu, it’s settings > driver > menu

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Of course, keep in mind that a Monitor has much higher resolution than any monitor, even if it is a professional BVM. You can lower the detail with the tvout shader to smooth out the pixels. Also, when it comes to CRT at low resolutions, you have to be quite off the screen.

I don’t like aperture screens too much, I’m more of a slot mask, although, I have to admit that I really like seeing the original 240p emulated. I already tried the CRT on u Monitor, now I go with a TV.

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@hunterk yes. But guis other than rgui don’t work with that ultra wide mode. I saw that it can automatilcally switch between guis. Like it loads up with xmb or something and when it switches resolutions goes to rgui. Like the guy in this video.

I wonder how he did it

@alexb3d thanks. I think that tvout shader made it look better. I also enabled upscaling, although I don’t know if that makes any sense if I’m playing on native resolution.

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you may be able to use config overrides for that. Like, set it up with xmb at one basic fullscreen res without switchres enabled globally and then switch to RGUI and enable switchres in the overrides.

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If you look at the beginning that’s LaunchBox running Libreto Cores. Retroarch does not change the rgui interface.

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Hi, i have a problem with the mame - current core and mortal kombat and other arcade games.

I play a lot of games with no problem

(arcade - kof2000)

(sega - sor 2)

but when i run games like mk

i run a lot of systems with no problem, i make a video (in spanish) but the idea is the same.

Mortal Kombat is a tough one. The refresh and resolution were not designed to be displayed on a consumer TV. What resolutions are you ruining?

Have you tried switching to dynamic or 3840?


The CRTSwitchRes stopped working with the latest version of RetroArch, the screen goes black, and the only thing to do is force reboot.


now i have a error

X Error of failed request: BadAccess (attempt to access private resource denied) Major opcode of failed request: 140 (RANDR) Minor opcode of failed request: 19 (RRDeleteOutputMode) Serial number of failed request: 410

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2560 is the mode i was use

@Alphanu @jonathon @alexb3d @hunterk

Same here. It’s not working

CrtSwitchres not working 1.9.1