New UI reverted to Old

Just downloaded 1.2.2 today, and was digging the new UI.

For some reason, though, when I went back into it several times later, it reverted back to the old DOS-looking UI, and I haven’t been able to figure out how to get it back.

I’m currently running Win10, upgraded from 8.1 if that makes a difference. Video/Audio drivers are up to date.

The menu with the green text? If so, go to settings > drivers and change the menu driver from ‘rgui’ to ‘xmb’. If it’s black and white with blocky font but otherwise acts like the fancy new menu, go to settings > directory settings and make sure your ‘assets’ directory is pointing toward wherever those assets are stored.

Ah cool! Back to the new one!

Apparently while I was fudging around with some of the drivers, I guess I toggled that one off of XMB.

Thank you!