Newbie questions - install

The android version is so different than I can’t get a hang of it.

I had version org.retroarch.v., I installed newest nightly, and now I have 2 RetroArchs. Isn’t it possible to update the program importing all my settings? I also would like to ask in what folder I should put all the cores. And also, where my core settings are stored, so I can make custom cfg files for cores. Thanks for the help.

I believe you’re supposed to actually uninstall older versions before installing nightlies. I suppose you could pull your retroarch.cfg from the old one and move it to the new one, but I think there might be some conflicting options that would give you strange behaviors in the new version. All of the files, cores and configs etc., go into /data/data/com.retroarch/* but I think assets like overlays (and presumably configs) will soon be accessible from /android/data/com.retroarch, which is writeable without root.

Yes, probably it could be nice to start form scratch after such lapse of time, problem is I can’t locate the folders where the information is stored. I have sdcard/Android/data, and some com.apps there but no retroarch. Not a data subfolder either. Do I need root access for retroarch?

Yeah, you need root to manipulate the files currently, but hopefully much of that will be accessible unrooted soon (at least for new versions; this obviously won’t help with your current setup).

Has the situation changed with stable v1.2.2? I can’t seem to find the “cores” folder and the rest.

No, it’s still root-walled, but you can change them to whatever you like and/or update them directly from within RetroArch using the online updater, so you shouldn’t really need to poke around in there much anymore.

Cores should stay in the internal folder though, sometimes the external SD cards are mounted as noexec. The rest of the stuff is safe to change, actually I’m testing on my personal builds extracting shaders, overlays, etc to the sdcard app dir (/sdcard/Android/data/com.retroarch/files).

Config should be there already

Now if only this could have been the default to begin with so saving settings would always work instead of taking several attempts,it is even stubborn when rooted. Hope the new long line of issues can eventually get fixed so I can bother trying it on FireTV,also hopefully an easier to use cheat menu.

I could never get that frustrating cheat menu to work for so much as adding a new cheat,I could only change the name and could never edit the actual code phase. I think it should have a sub-menu that has choices for when selecting a cheat slot (whether it’s empty or not) that lists “rename cheat,edit cheat,clear cheat,etc”. so it can be more easily managed. (that’s actually a really good idea,awesome) Please do this! :slight_smile:

So everything is hidden to start with… well, I guess I’m not gonna bother… I tried loading a core from the non-rooted folder without success so if it’s possible indeed it must be a pain to configure. Anyway I don’t care I was just testing out of curiosity and soon will change to a Windows10 phone, I’m sick of Android. Hopefully I can run RA as a HTPC with a x86 Intel NUC or the likes in a not very distant future.

When manually adding a cheat,I can’t name it for some dumb reason… More about the cheat menu,I finally managed to get the Game Genie cheat file loaded for DKC and a few codes I tried are working,but the multi lined ones do not function as I tried enabling every keep animal code,but I still lose them upon exiting the level either way,and the multi lined Invincible code also fails while the first code “invincible” works fine. Also,enabling any multi-lined code kills off all other codes enabled at the time,turning on “keep animals” stopped both DK and animal moon jump codes I had enabled from working. The multi-lined codes are entered like this: ABCD-EFGH+IJKL-MNOP+QRST-UVWX And finally,the Pro Action Replay codes are non-functional,which really sucks since edits would be easier since they are not encrypted. Please fix these irritating issues. Also,where the heck is the N64 cheat support?!? Mupen64Plus AE has it,proving that it is possible along with N64oid’s proof. I guess you got the comparably sucky PC version ported since it completely lacks user friendly Gameshark access. :frowning: Either that or nobody cared enough to make a cheat list because it is a little too slow. Kinda nearly useless anyway until the multi-line issue gets fixed as most N64 codes require it,mainly codes with button activators.

Edit: If I am correct,the Mupen64Plus core is still far behind the current build which Mupen64Plus AE is already synced to,so bringing the core up to date with the upstream changes,could help a lot.

Please respond to my issues.

I guess you decided to use a random thread to post your issues.

(I am a newbie to the 1.2.2 version’s differences and how the cheats work,not so well at the moment,but functional.) No,though my previous reply included mentioning cheats after the related issues with initial use after installing and the OP was done bothering with RA,so I continued with what I left off with about the cheats since I got past the primary issue. It’s not like it is completely unrelated to RetroArch at all.

I may have even helped out some people by saying how I got things working by exploiting the scroll postition to navigate in and out of certain menu items. Besides,why waste a perfectly good topic or make yet another one? :slight_smile:

Edit: Checked back at page 1 and realized this thread is since February,but it still stands that I might have helped others set up their controls on 1.2.2 by mentioning the exploit I found.