When manually adding a cheat,I can’t name it for some dumb reason…
More about the cheat menu,I finally managed to get the Game Genie cheat file loaded for DKC and a few codes I tried are working,but the multi lined ones do not function as I tried enabling every keep animal code,but I still lose them upon exiting the level either way,and the multi lined Invincible code also fails while the first code “invincible” works fine.
Also,enabling any multi-lined code kills off all other codes enabled at the time,turning on “keep animals” stopped both DK and animal moon jump codes I had enabled from working.
The multi-lined codes are entered like this: ABCD-EFGH+IJKL-MNOP+QRST-UVWX
And finally,the Pro Action Replay codes are non-functional,which really sucks since edits would be easier since they are not encrypted.
Please fix these irritating issues.
Also,where the heck is the N64 cheat support?!?
Mupen64Plus AE has it,proving that it is possible along with N64oid’s proof.
I guess you got the comparably sucky PC version ported since it completely lacks user friendly Gameshark access.
Either that or nobody cared enough to make a cheat list because it is a little too slow.
Kinda nearly useless anyway until the multi-line issue gets fixed as most N64 codes require it,mainly codes with button activators.
Edit: If I am correct,the Mupen64Plus core is still far behind the current build which Mupen64Plus AE is already synced to,so bringing the core up to date with the upstream changes,could help a lot.
Please respond to my issues.