Newest Nightly Request

Trying to see if someone can upload a copy of the newest nightly for me. Just the plain regular zip that I can use iMazing to copy over through filesystem.

I can’t install the posted IPA through iTunes because it’s the biggest shit sandwich & wants to erase all my apps to sync since I upgraded to Windows 10.

Trying to play on iPhone 6+ & can’t because overlay problem. Can someone just make me a MEGA link?

Download, unzip, and replace the original Install retroarch from cydia and replace it with this and you aré good to go!!E543ABxZ!z42HfpvbTZWJucjgdPiUvepPR6PgVQ9955QzRm_DYH0

It’s really helpful. Thanks GutlessGnat

I’m trying to use that one but my retroarch crashes when loading a rom :(.

What jailbreak are you on? If you are using pangu or pp it will crash.

I’m using taig 8.4

Try just installing this ipa file and tell me what happens.!l8J3mLqJ!S6azgkQKw…WfSbIaUGFjYo5A

I have a issue trying to install the IPA :(. The icon stays greyd out and when I click on it the icon shows the text “installing” and stays like that for ever :frowning:

Do you have app sync installed? Open SSH would also be a good thing to have.

The only other way is to go into cydia. Install the latest retro arch from the big boss repo. Take those nightly files I uploaded and overwrite the old files.

Does anyone have the latest for OS X along with all the cores? Cheers.

so would you have to go in and individually overwrite the old file like strings info and Retroarh or just overwrite the .app file

Just take all the contents of the nightly and drop it over the app folder

I’m on iOS 9.0.2 (iPhone 5, Pangu jailbreak), copying the .app to the system applications folder allows the app to appear on the home screen, but attempting to open it instantly crashes back to the home screen. For some reason, it doesn’t leave a crash log behind so I can’t check what went wrong. The .ipa doesn’t seem to install at all but just hangs at the 90% installation progress mark.

I have a perfectly running version of 1.2 i could share if you have a mega or dropbox account IM me I’d like to hear how it runs in 9.x It even has working Ps1 emulator that works in or whatever, the REARMED one

Unistall appsync unified And install Retroarch

Retroarch Tamaño: 39,3 MB!yIxX3T5L!fuAj7YRDsLXe-KjdwmDpwAcdTBd5tc_6FwNkUrrjVCs And reinstall appsync unifed