[nightly build] 2014-06-15

Download it here: https://github.com/l3iggs/RetroArch/rel … .1-rl3iggs

This is a linux x86_64 build from the RetroArch (https://github.com/libretro/RetroArch) repo @ commit 7b3f005 with all the cores that would compile at that time.

Issues you encounter with RetroArch in this build can be noted in this thread, but should also be reported using this link: https://github.com/libretro/RetroArch/issues/new

There’s no need to copy these files any place special or install anything with root permissions. Just extract the archive and run the retroarch executable in the enclosed usr/local/bin directory. Once running, you’ll have to use the settings menu to set up your paths manually. Most importantly ensure that the cores path is mapped correctly to the cores folder provided here.

Thanks, I’ll try this. How can I install the linux build? Should I just copy all the subfolders from your package (usr, etc, cores) inside my root directory? Is it better to uninstall the version from hunterk’s PPA before doing this?

My bad. See above, I’ve updated my post with install instructions. You probably don’t need to remove hunterk’s ppa (although this nightly may pick up on his .cfg file which would then point to his cores) so if you go that route, double check that your paths are not mapped to point to the ppa installed directories.

No, sorry my bad. I didn’t see that it was for 64 bit. It doesn’t work on my system, it fails to load the cores with this error: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64

who even runs a 32 bit OS any more? :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks for the build. Has anyone had any luck in getting this to work with OpenELEC (XBMC) and Rom Collection Browser or Advanced Launcher, can seem to get it to work with either?

Hi. I have just intalled this build on my Ubuntu 14.04 x64. After install i can run RetroArch, can select the core(using Mednafed PSX), but once i select the .cue file to load content RetroArch crashes without any infirmation about error. What should i do to play PSX games on my Ubuntu using RetroArch?

@Krondor You may be missing BIOS files in your ‘system’ directory. Check your path settings to make sure you have set a system directory and put the BIOS files in there. Make sure you have the right ones, too, because mednafen uses weird ones. For US NTSC, it expects scph5501.bin.

Any chance of a newer version that used the new CRT-Royale shader??

shaders don’t need new builds, just download the common-shaders repo and extract it to you shaders folder

Yeah the latest shaders use the parameter settings, the build at the top of this thread doesnt appear to incorporate that function, so shaders like CRT Royale dont work with this current Linux build.

lordashram nightly windows x64 builds have had that function in for a while now…


so is there any chance we could have an update for Linux ??

The builds in my PPA have supported shader parameters for awhile, as well.

Do you have Linux based builds hunterk?

Yeah, it’s for Ubuntu (should also work on some flavors of Debian, Mint, etc.): https://launchpad.net/~hunter-kaller/+a … /+packages I don’t update them constantly or anything but usually for major features.

Will this work on the Linux version of OpenElec??

Don’t think so.

Thank you l3iggs for your nightly build 2014-06-15, it works very well on my Ubuntu 14.04. Hunterk --> I would like to use your launchpad PPA but it misses some modules: dosbox, scumm, PSX rearmed… I have a poor success to emulate my PSX game with Mednafen, only 2 games and this emulator accept only cue/bin image, not iso. But with PSX rearmed all my game work and it accepts all image format.

Dosbox doesn’t really work right now, as far as I know (at least, neither I nor anyone I’ve talked to about it have been able to make it launch anything). Scummvm isn’t included simply because my PPA doesn’t have enough room for another gigantic source package (it’s like 100+MB). When I tried PCSX-ReARMed on amd64, a lot of games were very broken, so I haven’t included it since then (I hadn’t tested it when I made the saucy packages).

For mednafen-psx, it does require a cue sheet, but you can make cues for pretty much any image format and it should work. I personally have loaded iso/cue and img/cue with no problems.

i tried the pcsx_rearmed core and on my amd kabini systems its even slower than mednafen_psx which does some games fullspeed but many have sound problems.

i also had good success with the DOSBOX core on linux, tho its a bit limited. RetroArch doesnt seem to support input of symbols ( . , : ; and so on) so navigating in dos isnt working at all. if you create a dosbox.conf with the right autoexec script to launch a game directly or start a launcher it works great tho.

Hi and thank you for this build ! Could you help me with shaders ? When I select a shader (or a preset) and apply changes, nothing happens and the console says :

RetroArch [ERROR] :: [GL]: Cannot find shader core for path: /home/user64/.retroarch/shaders/mame.cgp.
RetroArch [ERROR] :: Setting Menu CGP failed.

I’m running mageia 4 x64 (same as mandriva) and already have the nvidia “cg” rpm installed, so what am I missing ?

EDIT : I’ve managed to make a build myself with shaders enabled and now it works perfectly.