Ok mentioned this in another thread. But don’t want my 2 threads getting mixed up, so new thread for this. Hardware: Odroid-C2, 32GB UHS microSD, Android 5.1.1 no additional storage devices are connected. Problem: I can install the stable version from the google play store just fine. It works, but it’s outdated. If i restart the system, everything persists through the restart. If i install a nightly build, it’ll install fine, and it’ll work fine. Until i restart the system or power it down. It’s currently not running off a battery, so i restart at night. Upon booting up the system, the retroarch icon will likely be on the homescreen, but not in the apps section. Clicking on it results in an app not installed error.
Removing an SD card (as read in another thread) is not optional here.
Things i’ve noticed: When installing a nightly build I’ll get a 41MB+ ./android_secure/com.retroarch-2.asec file on my 128mb FAT partition. This partition is mostly used for the boot.ini file. and is another Partition of the same microSD card, i don’t know how to do a temporary unmount of this specific partition while installing the nightly build or of it’s even possible since it’s an internal partition.
If anyone knows a solution, please let me know.