Nightly: stdin option: how to enable and save? how to use?

First question: In the Windows nighly there is settings > network settings - miscellaneous > stdin command: ON/OFF If I set it to ON, I can’t save the configuration manually. I have RA set to autosave config on exit but after restart the stdin option is OFF again. How do I enable stdin?

Second question: Are there any good examples of how to use stdin out there? I want to experiment with doing the following two sets of steps through an external script: 1 pause, take screenshot, save state X 2 start game B with core A, load saved state X In the background the script would copy the saved state and matching screenshot, together with game name, to some other folder. A small frontend would then allow to choose a saved state based on its screenshot and perhaps also some text comment or label set by the user.

On first glance stdin looks like the tool to use to interact with retroarch for something like that.

No one knows the answer? Is perhaps the stdin feature only available in Linux?

Let me hear also hear what you think of the save state + screen shot idea. Could be used as a kind of DIY menu to start from different stages/levels in games.