Nintendo64 - Mupen64Plus Next Core

Hi there, some few hours ago i had Retroarch 1.7.8 the first release from some days (near 10 days ago i upgrade Retroarch from 1.7.6 to 1.7.8v1)

Well i had install “Mupen64Plus-Next” (i don’t know why i lost Mupen64Plus OpenGL 1.0, because i just move the cores while i upgrade and copy bak but not replace the new cores, for had cores like redream-gpl , but i lost it too)

That version of retroarch 1.7.8v1 + that version of Mupen64Plus-Next just get me “Segmetation Fault” i decide to upgrade the latest version “RetroArch 1.7.8v3” (i notice this had 4~6 days) well i upgrade again, and download the latest core of mupen64plus-next, and the same again

i decide i download the core and compile it by myself, and its the same again. i notice in the source code came with “gliden64” and i don’t know if this are enable by the default plugin, if is yes, is very probable that its the cause of the segmentation fault on my pc

Becuase i had try to compile it and use the standalone version, and never works, i ever get “Segmegtation fault” with all version of that plugin.

Why by the moment “parallel n64” don’t support to use “hires_texture” ?

In my personal opinion : The most sad its the core “Mupen64Plus OpenGL 1.0” is not in the repository, i don’t know why don’t conserve all legal and compatible cores, like this one, because the emulation and new engines with older videogames, its a very various hardware can play retrovideogames are not supported anymore

The mayor part of the user of retroarch use because its the most portable and confortable and compatible with multiple devices and operating systems to ever use the same application for enjoy that older games and the mayor part of the user of retroarch don’t use videogames just for be more “newer” and that idea the most new thing must replace and older, just by be new, no have sense to replace a thing in old version its very functional.

Well if you need buy a newer storage server, you can announce on the main web page, the people can do donations using things like KickStarter or something, the community of retroarch is big :slight_smile:

End of my personal opinion

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If you want the old core, you’ll have to compile it yourself from the archived repo:

We can’t continually support everything forever. There aren’t enough of us.

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I run Linux Mint 19.x and I also got a seg fault until I skimmed the log and found libpng12 something was missing. Apt couldn’t find it so I downloaded libpng12-0_1.2.54-1ubuntu1.1_amd.deb from Ubuntu’s archive. After I installed it the Next core worked.

Sorry on mobile

Thanks, i prefer compile by myself :slight_smile:

i don’t use distros with systemd, and nither buntus, i can’t active debug because that make the retroarch segfault when start i don’t know why, i had compile from the sources the latest version 2 days ago to the 1.7.8v3

Thank for share the info.

Hi there, well i had compile the core.

I launch retroarch and i load that core

Well i think i need the “.info” file for that core, well the another thing i notice i had load the core, and when i seach a game ask me why core i want use to load the game and i don’t know for where get a latest version of that file or how generate it.

What i should do for the game use the core i had compile it i want to use the “Mupen64Plus OpenGL (2.5 ab8134a)” for test.

Just use one you have laying around or donwload it:

You may want to rename both the core you built and the info file to something else so they won’t get overwritten by updates, just in case. Also, open the info file with a text editor, and change the line with display_name = "Some Name Here" with something else so you recognize the core that you built in the UI and I believe playlists as well. EDIT: Or was it corename = "Something"? Change both! :stuck_out_tongue:

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In where and how i can download “Mupen64Plus-Next Open GL 1.0 16d9692” ?

I have two old-ish copies from the buildbot. Not sure if there is the version you want, but let’s hope they work for you:

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Thank you very much :slight_smile: i want an old core because before works for me :slight_smile:

Thank you very much with your core its working for me :slight_smile:

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