No RetroArch on Amazon AppStore (also, RT Amazon policing their store)

Read the tweet here -

Guys, we really need your support here.

If you could retweet this -

we could be one big step towards putting a serious dent into this ongoing issue, which is doing nothing but harming the emulation scene and just increasingly tainting emulators in general. We need to start doing some self policing here if we don’t want the games industry to be on a heads-on collision course with the emulation scene in the future.

Already articles like this are being made -

And while that guy obviously talks out of his ass at various points during that ‘reader feature’ (and he is a reader so obviously he is not really speaking from any position of authority and doesn’t seem to give any indication he knows much about the subject), you can see where this is all going really. The time for looking the other way and letting this all continue unabated is over, and the best chance we have at seriously stopping this blatant illegality is by getting big online storefronts (like Amazon) to start taking a much harsher stance on this.

Above all, if nothing else, Amazon should stop selling these boxes with ‘300/400+ SNES/PC Engine/GBA games’. It just needs to stop. They want to sit on their high horse and pretend they care about putting a stop to ‘facilitating and profiting from piracy’, yet they let shady entrepreneurs sell this obvious garbage while clearly looking the other way for years.

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