Not loading command-line configs "Failed to append config" error

I’m using Retropie (v3.3 I think) and it seems to have a problem loading custom config files. My understanding is that you can use these to pass in some specific settings that you want to override your usual settings within the normal retroarch.cfg. For example, I have a config file in my roms directory called, which contains a custom overlay and resolution setting:

input_overlay = "/opt/retropie/emulators/retroarch/overlays/custom/scanlines720x1280-3x.cfg"
custom_viewport_width = "720"
custom_viewport_height = "960"

I don’t think there’s any issues with the cfg itself as these lines work fine when I add them to my main retroarch.cfg (in place of the usual settings) for this core (lr-fba), but I only want them used for THIS game.

retropie has a function where you press ‘x’ when the rom is loading, and a setup utility lets you configure a separate config, although all that seems to do is put that text to a, which is then thrown in to the rom launch command when you launch from emulationstation.

when launching, retropie keeps a log of the stuff it isn’t echo-ing in /tmp/runcommand.log. my config doesn’t get loaded, and I get this error in there:

RetroArch [ERROR] :: config_load_file :: Failed to append config "/tmp/retroarch.cfg,/home/pi/RetroPie/roms/fba/"

What does this mean? FYI the /tmp/retroarch.cfg file appears to generated whenever you launch something, to pass in some default values (not sure why). could these be conflicting? if i delete it it just comes back!

video_refresh_rate = 60
video_fullscreen_x = 0
video_fullscreen_y = 0

I’m not sure if my issue is to do with retroarch or retropie, but hopefully someone here will be able to narrow it down :slight_smile:

It could be an issue with RetroPie, dunno /shrug

You could try using the new game-specific overrides option, which is talked about on this page:

[QUOTE=hunterk;25097]It could be an issue with RetroPie, dunno /shrug

You could try using the new game-specific overrides option, which is talked about on this page:[/QUOTE]

cheers - tried that and no luck either! I set my rgui_config_directory = “/home/pi/RetroPie/roms/fba/configs/” and moved the file there. nothing happened. tried variations on this:

  • renaming it to donpachi.cfg/ (the link isn’t clear on the naming convention), tried putting it a subdirectory configs/donpachi/ and also (the link mentions sub directories for core cfgs). nothing changed.

not sure what version of retroarch I’m running - it says in green at the bottom of the RGUI “1.2 FB Alpha” but I wasn’t 1.2 only released a few days ago?! I haven’t updated anything in a month or so.

Ah, the overrides were added quite recently, so you should probably update.