Notifications on the lower left hand of screen

Hello again. Probably another noob question, but I’m having difficulty with the search function of the forum. It simply wont work for me. So here is my question.

Is it possible to shut off the notifications in the lower left hand corner? LIke, whenever I plug in my controller, or turn on a wireless controller, a string of yellow text pops up every time. And I am not very happy with it. It looks ugly, and takes away from the experience of the emulator. Is there a setting I am missing? I have looked all over the settings, and not seen it. Maybe I’m stupid. But please if anyone could help me, that would be great. And also, if there is a guide or documentation file for Retroarch? That would be awesome.

I am using Build 1.3.6 on Windows 10 Pro.

Settings, On Screen Display, set Display OSD Message to Off.

Oh, my god. I feel stupid…

There’s a ton of options, I wouldn’t blame ya for missing it :stuck_out_tongue: