Ntsc for crt

So I would really like to know which one to choose between them for my crt monitor and which configuration to have for ntsc as I’ve only heard people using tvout for a real crt, I did tried blargg and it’s an interesting option but maybe won’t be my cup of tea for image and also doesn’t work for all and retroarch can get pretty buggy with saving and overriding these days for no reason at all and I wanna try ntsc because I can switch between video outputs and even “create” my own

I guess you are talking about shaders. TV-Out has options to imitate a TV, but it is not the only one, you have to test, configure and choose, because it is a matter of taste. I recommend starting with CRT shaders and in most cases, disabling scanlines.

My question will be if linearize over ntsc preset won’t make much of a problem over the image quality, ntsc default for me is already pretty good on lcd, but I would really like to know if there is not something that has to be done to avoid something in a real crt with that preset