Glad to see the n64 core is working again… looks great but I’m having massive slowdowns on just about any game.
Are there certain settings perhaps that I should be using to make it usable ?
Glad to see the n64 core is working again… looks great but I’m having massive slowdowns on just about any game.
Are there certain settings perhaps that I should be using to make it usable ?
Waiting on GLideN64 testing access,is it programmed into glN64? Some commits appeared to modify the glN64 plugin with GLideN64 changes the last time I looked.
Also,a general question,will Vulkan be usable on Android as well? (it was listed as an option briefly,but didn’t yet work the one time I tried before.
I’ve tried the Mupen64 core on my GPD XD, overlocked to 1,8GHz and set to dynamic_recompiler but still it’s laggy/stuttering on my machine.
Regardless,on a nightly 1.3.3 GIT and it works on mine after updating the core yesterday. Looking at the most recent github commit shows there was one hell of a typo in source code in a really important looking file. “vidext_libretro.c”