Odd differences in Button Mapping.. (Bug?)

So i recently switched to Fedora and discovered that when using Retroarch in Steam the Controls within the Menus are different compared to the downloaded Version from the Repro. Here’s an image to make clear which buttons i’m talking about

In Steam the “B” Button would be “accept” and the “A” Button would be “back” while in the Version from the Repro “B” would be “back” and “A” would be “accept” in the Retroarch Menus.

However the games itself seem to be mapped correctly to the same Buttons. So it seems like only the Retroarch Menu is affected by this. Also: The Gamepad (8bitdo Pro2) gets detected on both as “Xbox one Wireless Gamepad” so there shouldn’t be a difference.

I also tested it on Windows but doesn’t seem to be a difference between the Steam Retroarch and the Retroarch downloaded from the Website.

Can i remap the Menu controls somehow?

Edit Just now i found the Solution: After long searching i found out that for whatever reason on the downloaded version i have swap "okay and “back” in the menu disabled (which seems to be on everyhwere else)