OLD Gamepad Autoconfig Thread

i think i know now why pad sometimes works sometimes not, the fact that some buttons are pad0, others pad1, make that if you press start button first, you won t be able to use direction buttons that are other pad, and if you press the a button first, you won t be able to give credit in afba with select for example… this explains why i told that sometimes works sometimes not (transparent if you don t hit start and select in a game)

Yeah, that’s right - on Xperia Play, some of the buttons on the ‘gamepad’ are split up between ‘two devices’ actually - one of them is ‘zeus-pad’ and the other is ‘zeus-keypad’. I think Start + Select are on ‘zeus-keypad’ and the others are on ‘zeus-pad’ - at least that is from what little I’ve understood so far.

Shrug - looks like we’ll have to make one big hack for Xperia Play alone.

jpstar: try out this build: https://anonfiles.com/file/cd386e79d4d4e5a146cc06eb661d8824

Please test it and make sure every button works as intended, including start and select.

Tested it quickly, keys aren t responding, no matter if you try to manually bind them or not, and when debug log is on, nothing appears, as if pressing buttons wasn t taken into account

Squarepusher, the gamepad s name for select and start is hid 0 keypad-game-zeus not zeus-pad, checked it now

Well - I already try to detect that one -

else if (strstr(name_buf, “keypad-game-zeus”) || strstr(name_buf, “keypad-zeus”))

Hmm sorry but code don t speak to me, no knowledge at all in coding :frowning: also i edited a precedent post cause hid is 0 for the keypad-game-zeus

Hi there Squarepusher!

Could you add this device please?


HID 5: Madcatz PC USB Wired Stick 8838,

UP: Pad 0: x=0.00, y= -1.00, src=16777232 DOWN: Pad 0: x=0.00, y=1.00, src=16777232 LEFT: Pad 0: x=-1.00, y=0.00, src=16777232 RIGHT: Pad 0: x=1.00, y=0.00, src=16777232

Square: Pad 0: 96, ac=0, src= 1281 Cross: Pad 0: 97, ac=0, src= 1281 Circle: Pad 0: 98, ac=0, src= 1281 Triangle: Pad 0: 99, ac=0, src= 1281 L1: Pad 0: 100, ac=0, src= 1281 R1: Pad 0: 101, ac=0, src= 1281 L2: Pad 0: 102, ac=0, src= 1281 R2: Pad 0: 103, ac=0, src= 1281 Select: Pad 0: 104, ac=0, src= 1281 Start: Pad 0: 105, ac=0, src= 1281

If you need anything else from this one just tell me, will try other arcade sticks. Thanks!


EDIT: Home button: Pad0: 110, ac=0, src=1281, would be nice to have this to go back to core menu on this or Ps3, 360 pads :smiley:

Squarepusher, i don t understand a lot about coding and hardware, but i know somebody who has made (i think, cause i m a noob), a good work with xperia play controls. His name is paul lamb from paulscode, working now on a mupen64 android port. Maybe you can check what work he has done with xperia pad as he s a smart guy willing to help the emulation community?

Edit, liitleguy a dev from paulscode, gave me this link. It is apparently c code, good isn t it?


That’s just standard native activity glue code there - nothing special. I just looked over it and I can’t see anything that would help us with these input problems.

I know about Paulscode - but honestly, I did not agree with that ‘thousands of bucks’ kickstarter project for the ‘Mupen64 Ouya Edition’ (or whatever it is) - and the codebases are basically incompatible - I try to stay away from as much Java and JNI code in my native code as possible - his approach seems to be the other way and I view that to be a massive performance hazard and hence why I will not go there.

Really - we’re going to have to do this our own way without resorting to code from anyone else’s - their approaches don’t work out for us.

What it all boils down to is the stupid way Sony implemented the controls for this thing in the first place - otherwise your controls would be working just fine already just like it does on an Archos Gamepad, just like it does on one of these JCD el-cheapo Chinese devices.

Like ToadKing said on the xda-developers thread - the only way we are going to be able to fix this is if one of you guys want to put in some effort as well, join IRC (#retroarch on freenode), PM either ToadKing or me (Squarepusher) and do some hands-on testing for us - we can’t really go and put up APK after APK after APK - we need a hands-on tester to test this stuff for us in realtime so we can do some experiments.

So really, the ball is in your court (and the rest of the Xperia community).

Do i need programming skills to help you testing, or is it just software related? If not i can help after 9 february (working outside for 1 week)

You don’t need programming skills - but you do need patience since we’re going to be sending you likely one APK after the other and then you’ll have to do continuous tests.

Ok, sometimes nobody make it until 9 february, i will. see you next week on irc. On another hand, paul told me that it is easy to translate his code from java to c , even if from what i understood,t you d prefer to make a Native CODE For retroarch.

Hi !!! There is my code keys :

up=19 down=20 left=21 right=22 x=53 y=52 a=30 b=29 sel=47 l1=40 r1=46 menu=82 start=66

OK, added Madcatz PC USB Wired Stick.

Hi, I added the Moga IME now to the autodetection list - it should be in r9.

What I still need is the keycodes for the D-pad - if you could get those for me, I could put that mapping into r10. For now, the analog stick (which is mapped ‘digitally’ with the IME app) is used as D-pad now).

hey all, awesome work. using https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ccpcreations.android.WiiUseAndroid&hl=en with the wiimote, which already works great for player 1, my request is to have it work for [at least] player 2 as well!

since you’re already recognizing the IME i’m not sure if you would still need all the info for the additional 'motes [default] configs.

or is there some other issue with multi-player setups? I looked a bit for multiplayer info on retroarch android, but came up dry. didn’t see any info on manually setting the mappings either.

Just as a heads up - It’s already fixed now in r9 - somebody else already helped.

hello pls add saitek rumble p480

vid 0f30 pid 0110

Square: 188 Cross: 190 Circle: 191 Triangle: 189 L1 192 L2 193 R1 194 R2 195 start 197 select 196 thumbL 198 thumbR 199

d pad works ok

Hi there, can you report steps 1 to 3 again?

I need to know exactly what message you get when you connect the pad for the first time in RetroArch while playing a ROM

  1. go to ‘RetroArch Settings’ and go to ‘Input Settings’.
  1. Make sure that "Debug Input Reporting Enable’ is set to ‘OFF’.
  1. After that, start up a game with any emu (doesn’t matter which). The first thing I need to know exactly is the message that appears when yuo press a button on the pad - it should say something like

NOTE: Capitalization matters here, so don’t write it all in lower case or upper case.