OLD Gamepad Autoconfig Thread

I’d like to add the ipega pg-9017 bluetooth controller to the list. It has multiple connection modes, I’m using the joystick mode (hold x while connecting), since that’s the only one that properly supports the analog sticks.

comes up as HID %n: Broadcom Bluetooth HID, p: 0.

button codes: x: 188 a: 189 b: 190 y: 191 left trigger: 192 right trigger: 193 select: 196 start: 197

The directional buttons don’t seem to work, which is extremely annoying. They all just report as x=0 and y=0. When manually configuring inputs in the menu they show up correctly as DPAD Up, Down, Left and Right, but don’t work ingame. Also using analog input, it doesn’t seem to be possible to steer diagonally, which makes e.g. kuru kuru kururin pretty much unplayable. The overlay however suggests that x and y values from the analog stick are correctly read.

I don’t know what is up with diagonals on certain gamepads - because on all gamepads that are in my possession (Logitech Rumblepad 2, SNES converters, even Wii pad, etc) it works just fine - so it’s pretty hard to debug something when none of the pads you own exhibit any real problems.

As for diagonals - I think I have a hunch what might be going on. Might have to investigate that - strange thing is though that on all the pads I own this hasn’t been an issue, so I dunno why things like the iPega or 360 pads would need it.

Anyways, it’s something i can look into.

I just checked the diagonals again. Indeed it is possible to go diagonal, but the deadzone seems much less forgiving diagonaly. It would be great if the deadzone was determined by the sum of both axes and the direction by the angle the stick is actually turned, instead of static thresholds.

Can you give me an example of a typical pad you would use for Player 2? Because I’m left feeling a bit confused by how you worded this - are buttons 9/10/11/12 ‘face buttons’ or are they some kind of D-pad/stick?


I am using digital controllers like an arcade machine (a stick and arcade buttons). So, all are digital and I can connect on any switch of the PCB to work properly.

If I connect the second stick on is supossed to be, retroarch shows the values posted (0 for all directions). If I connect the stick in buttons 9, 10, 11, 12 each direction is recognized like a button, but like the stick is digital this is not a problem. Really, the only problem is that this buttons are lost for real buttons but this problem is minor that the whole PCB doesnt work :wink:

I have build the arcade joystick so i can connect the buttons when be necessary to make it to work.

This is an example of sticks and buttons (i have anothers one) http://www.xgaming.com/store/arcade-parts-and-accessories/product/two-player-build-your-own-arcade-bundle-pcb/

You have released a new version of retroarch. What you want to be tested?

Edit: i have tested the new version. Player 1 X axis is not detected correctly to left. Player 2 stick and buttons are not detected.


@darta79 Any PCBs that send signals mapped to the default PC MAME controls will have issues, since they use some modifier keys as individual buttons (for example, left-shift is mapped to one of the buttons). RetroArch can’t detect these sorts of things (I believe it’s a limitation of SDL…?).

I have a homemade stick that uses an iPac PCB and it has this same behavior.


Ah, I see. That makes sense I guess then. Anyways, I added it.[/quote]

Tested Maxfire on r11, detects the decide and the dpad works but not the buttons.

Will try to connect to irc this weekend to see this one and the stick, thanks for your hard work.


Ah, I see. That makes sense I guess then. Anyways, I added it.[/quote]

Tested Maxfire on r11, detects the decide and the dpad works but not the buttons.

Will try to connect to irc this weekend to see this one and the stick, thanks for your hard work.


Yes, a lot more stuff will get done that way than through forum posts - that is for sure.

Same thing applies in your case - hop onto IRC (#retroarch - freenode), approach me there and we can live debug this thing. I can’t code blind this way for complex pads.

Is there any fix on the Select button on my gamepad acting as a back button?

I am using a “Logitech Dual Action” usb pad that I picked up at a garage sale and I’m hooked to an Asus Transformer Infinity.

Autodetect settings finds everything else just fine.

I found a workaround by binding L2 to select. Thanks for the great work!

I can implement a proposed fix for this in the next release (r12). I think it can work out for autodetection at least.

I will connect to IRC. What kind of info you need to know?


Hi, can you please add support for the IcontrolPad? I own one of those and they are great ;). I had used some emulators in the past using the bluez-ime, but it just doesnt feel right. I can’t even use the analog sticks as ‘real’ analogs.

I cannot provide the information you requested on the first topic since I don’t have an android phone yet. But I will get it next week and then I can help you a bit more.

But for now I can tell you the Imagine engine (http://code.google.com/p/emu-ex-plus-alpha/) already supports the IcontrolPad. Maybe you can have a look at the code, you can find it in the bluetooth folder.

Thanks in advance.

I thought I already added the Icontrolpad? Did you check if autodetection works for you?

Anyway, no, that link to Broglia is not really useful - he bakes in Bluez into his Imagine engine and I will not resort to that (I doubt maister feels like doing that as well). So what I need is for you to report keycodes to me (IN CASE it hasn’t been added already).

No I haven’t, I will get the android phone next week and will let you know. I just read the input_autodetect.c code and didn’t find any reference to the IcontrolPad.

Anyway, my main concern was the use of the two analog sticks available in the icp.

BTW, how about checking what bluez-ime does to read the controller? Would that be of any help? (http://code.google.com/p/android-bluez-ime/source/browse/trunk/BluezIME/src/com/hexad/bluezime/iControlPadReader.java)


No I haven’t, I will get the android phone next week and will let you know. I just read the input_autodetect.c code and didn’t find any reference to the IcontrolPad.

Anyway, my main concern was the use of the two analog sticks available in the icp.

BTW, how about checking what bluez-ime does to read the controller? Would that be of any help? (http://code.google.com/p/android-bluez-ime/source/browse/trunk/BluezIME/src/com/hexad/bluezime/iControlPadReader.java)[/quote]

I added iControlPad to the autodetection list in r12 - it just needs to be tested out by somebody now -

I bought the red samurai controller from gamestop. It works on all emus but the psx emu. I can get the controll stick to work but none of the buttons work. Help please

Ok, got my phone now. But I’m a bit stuck right now.

What are the correct steps to test the controller? I turn on bluetooth on android (ICS), turn on the icontrolpad in Joystick mode, pair it. Then launch retroarch, select input method but I cannot see the icontrolpad at all.

Don’t really know what to do next. Can somebody help, please?


Ok, I have paired successfully the ICP to android, and it detects it as an input device. I can even navigate through the menus using the controller. Launched a game with retroarch and I can see the button mappings in a yellow font whenever I press a button. But they wont work for gameplay.

The mappings are detected as follows:

UP 188 LEFT 190 DOWN 191 RIGHT 189 Y 198 A 199 X 200 B 201 SEL 196 START 197 L 192 R 202 LEFT ANALOG x

The right analog is not detected.

I think I should be able to select the icontrol pad from the input method screen, but that doesn’t happen.

My gamepad appears as “MEGAWORLD USB GAME CONTROLLERS” but doesn’t work in auto detect mode. I tried to configure it manually and all buttons work with the exception of Dpad Right And Dpad Down, which makes impossible to play any games. This gamepad works OK on mame4droid, Snes9x EX+ and John GBC Lite, if that means something useful.

Any help will be appreciated. :slight_smile:

Thanx in advance and thank you for this amazing piece of software!

I’m finally getting down to implementing ICade Profiles - but honestly, it would have been much easier if they had made the ‘button release’ keycodes the same as the button press’ keycodes. This is just totally awkward and backwards.

I don’t feel comfortable adding this without proper testing as I can’t assure if it would work - I need someone with an 8-bitty to come onto the IRC chan (#retroarch on freenode) so that I can give them APKs and they can test it out for me step by step. That is how Xperia Play compatibility got done as well.[/quote]

Any updates concerning the 8-bitty?