Old mednafen PSX core with working input (Windows)

I just noticed that I had a build of the old 0.9.24 core lying around, and it seems that this version is free from the input issue that newer versions have. I hope that this will be fixed, but in the meantime you can use this if you want to play games such as Tales of Phantasia and Tales of Eternia: http://www.mediafire.com/?icoo15mk6kh2hcn

The dll is 64-bit. While testing I also noticed that this is probably the last libretro version of mednafen PSX that doesn’t skip the BIOS animation. I don’t know whether this is related to the issue or not.

Fastboot has nothing to do with it.

We didn’t really change anything input-wise for Mednafen PSX - what are you talking about regarding any ‘input issues’? Game compatibility issues?

If there are any core issues you’re having problems with (that are not related to RetroArch’s implementation of Mednafen PSX), I’d recommend you to go to the Mednafen forums and file a bug report. Just make sure before you do first that the exact same bug occurs on the real Mednafen version (i.e. without RetroArch).

The issue is specific to the libretro port, and it’s about the fact that no button presses will do anything in these games, making them impossible to play. Input works fine in most games, but not in the ones mentioned. It’s as if input gets completely disabled. I opened an issue about this over two weeks ago: https://github.com/libretro/mednafen-libretro/issues/14

Do these games have analog input support? Some games just “don’t work” if you enable analog input.

Yes they have analog input support, and even if you disable analog input it doesn’t matter. Input still will not work.

Ye, input doesn’t work for some reason. Works in upstream Mednafen though. Tried disabling fastboot but didn’t help. Is this something common to all japanese titles or just the two tales games? Don’t understand what can go wrong though.

Yeah, it works on mednafen proper I know. No, so far I have only seen this issue in these two Tales titles. Tales of Destiny has working input too.

Been poking in FIO parts. There is clearly a deviation as in libretro a lot more FIO data is received, and it’s slightly different. It’s equal for at least MGS, which works fine … I have no idea why this happens because all the input code is exactly the same <_< Don’t have a fix for this.

Yeah, I also suspected that there is some kind of subtle issue that just doesn’t affect a lot of games. I mentioned Tales of Destiny, and while the controller input works, I noticed just now that the game doesn’t recognize any memory cards, making it impossible to save. It seems to be specific to RetroArch.

Funny I always find these really odd issues and bugs. If only I could fix them…

I’m not sure if it’s worth spending too much time on it for me. I have more pressing concerns atm with the little time I have to work on things these days :frowning:

OK then.

I’ll look into it since it seems (based on what Ryphecha told maister in #mednafen a few days back) that we are doing input totally the wrong way in any Mednafen core right now (ie. we should only call SetInput if the input device has actually changed and not for every frame like we’re doing now).

This might also affect some of the other games in Neo Geo Pocket and other cores right now that have control issues as well.

Hello, just registered to post that I too experienced this issue while trying to play Rakugaki Showtime which is another japanese game, in this case this particular game does not have support for Analog input, but regardless the setting (Gamepad or DualAnalog) it doesn’t work. It does not detect any input, and for what I can tell, it doesn’t detect memory cards either (warning message just after loading the game).

So, I realize that this thread is incredibly old, but I just wanted to write in to say that I also had this same issue with certain games not responding to controller input and was able to fix it. I’m using RetroArch 1.2 with Mednafen PSX V0.9.38.6. Basically, by default, I have the controllers set as Dual Shock controllers. This is great for most games, but the issue is that there are certain games (Hot Shots Golf, Fantastic Four, Fox Sports Golf '99, etc…) that will simply not recognize inputs from these controllers. For those games, the controllers need to be set to PS1 Joypads. It’s interesting, I actually ran into this issue while setting up config files to turn on multitap functionality for specific games. I found that there are certain games where the multitap actually works incorrectly if you are not using PS1 Joypads. Frogger, for example, will not recognize player 3 or 4 no matter which port you have the multitap plugged into unless all the controllers are PS1 Joypads and not Dual Shock controllers. Please keep in mind though, there are also certain games that can only be played with a Dual Shock controller (Ape Escape, for example). So, per game configurations may end up being necessary depending on which games you are playing/have.

I hope this information is helpful! Happy Emulating!