Thank you all 
I have been testing everything on my RK3188 Q7 - HI718 first (an old Android TV box), I believe it has a Rockchip RK3188-T.
@DariusG I tried 1.7.7 but unfortunately it was too unstable, it also had some issues with the UI.
@hunterk the plus version seems to support Android 5.x and up and I don’t think I have access to the play store on my device anymore so I couldn’t confirm
@Jamirus I do recall messing about with old Mac cores and having issues, so I skipped that idea
I found an archive of older Android versions here:
After the issues with v1.7.7 I then tried all the older versions from that site * phew * and finally discovered that v1.3.6 worked well.
Amazingly the cores do still download so this was a nice surprise.
v1.3.6 also supported my keyboard and wireless game pad, and after disabling threaded video I was susprised how smooth everything runs. Very impressive 
Next I will test a lower spec Rikomagic MK802 II Mini PC Android tv stick.