One shader for GB and one for GBC with the same core? Is it possible?

Hello everyone,

I’m still struggling a lot with this issue, I never really understand how to solve it.

I use a “dot” effect shader for my GB games, launched with “Gambatte” core. I use a “border” shader for my GB Color games, launched with… “Gambatte” core.

And of course, it’s not working properly. how to launch GB game with the urinal yellow dot effect and launch my GB Color games with GBC purple border?

Hope you can help me!

You can do this with ‘Content Directory Presets’.

Put your GB and GBC games in different folders, for example GB/ and GBC/.

Then load games for each system and save them:

Quick Menu > Shaders > Save > Save Content Directory Preset

It will save presets for GB and GBC under shaders/presets/Gambatte


Works perfectly! Mant thanks cause I was struggling for a long time! Big thganks to you!

You’re welcome.

I know Retroarch already has enough override modes, but I think a file extension override would be very useful for this case (Sega emulators also come to mind).