Hi everyone, I’m using an Android tablet and like to use multiple controllers for different players. However when I open Retroarch on my Android tablet it only recognizes the first controller I hit a button on. The second controller works as well but only for player one. And in device index there is as well only one device visible from port 2 on there is only n/a listed, although I have multiple controllers connected. It tried different controllers from different brands as well as Bluetooth and USB connection. Nothing changes. Only the first controller is recognized and put correctly in the device index and the next controller I use controls player one as well but no new entry in the device index show up. I tried as well disabling or enabling Android input disconnect workaround nothing solves the problem. I have this problem only in Retroarch other emulators like Snes9x EX+ or Duckstation work fine with multiplayer. And on my PC I don’t have this problem in Retroarch either only on my Android device. Is there a way to solve this problem?