Only manually selected roms work

I can’t get Retroarch to store my roms. I’ve got a directory with NeoGeo and CPS2 roms. The cores are there (fbalpha2012_neogeo_libretro and fbalpha2012_cps2_libretro), I’ve checked the BIOS and ran a checksum on the roms. Scanning my two rom directories, and Retroarch seem to pick up on them as well. See below:

But nothing gets added to Retroarch, neither a NeoGeo or CPS2 category. The playlist file inside Retroarch stays empty too.

Manually it works fine! If I go to Load Core, select the Neo Geo core. Then go to Load Content > Select file, it works fine. Load with Core works fine as well. As well as the History section.

I’m running 1.3.6 on Mac OS. Anyone stumbled upon a similar problem?

Those cores and the ROMs associated with them are not included in the built-in RetroArch playlist generator.

Under many circumstances, it’s still necessary to generate your own playlists for arcade ROMs. One such tool I would be glad to help you get running if you have access to a Windows PC to create the playlist:

Overall, I’d also suggest considering working with a more active and better supported arcade core such as MAME 2003 (the best supported MAME core in RetroArch), MAME 2014 (second-best supported), or the current FB Alpha core.