Opening / Closing Roms briefly flashes to Windows Desktop

Any time I open or close a rom, the Windows desktop shows up for a moment. Is there a way to make the main menu persistent in the background to make the experience more seamless? I wasn’t able to find an applicable setting under video or menu options.

I’ve been wondering about the same thing.

Using 1.3.4 with Win10 Pro 64Bit.

I’ve since just decided to use Kodi as the frontend to launch retroarch emulators/roms, it makes it quite seamless, and I can also launch windows games as well.

Ah! This is a thing that has been around a while, I see. Was going to start a thread for it, but it seems to be persistent to current releases. I suspect it has something to do with how RA manages loading the ROM/Dump to begin with, briefly suspending the UI and loading/unloading the play core.

I have no hand in the development, but that is often the process going on when an application flashes to the desktop.

I’m having the same issue in Widows 10, and the problem is any game I run starts in background, not in foreground, so the focus is the Windows Desktop, even if Explorer has no windows opened. I want to play using only the controllers to navigate, open and close the games, but the game starts paused below the taskbar, and I have to click on the screen to make it run. And when I close the game content, the retroarch go to background too. Is there a way to force retroarch screen to keeps always on top? I tried fullscreen with windowed mode on and off, but can’t find a way to solve it.