Overlay format documentation?

Ok, I see. I think it’s better to implement it so that you need to let go of the overlay before any buttons work on a change. That is much simpler to implement and makes more sense to me. Implemented here: https://github.com/Themaister/RetroArch/commit/041bfecf21cb39c8428c0ac3a8e06d4a2c78fb44

I need to look into the pause issues.

Awesome, thanks.

My overlay works fine now (except the pause thing) but I want more :slight_smile:

Is there a way to use named overlays with calls to load them, instead of just overlay_next going to the next numbered overlay?? Overlay_load_(overlay_name) would be awesome.

I want to make game-specific overlays with menus to select what info is shown - maps, controls, backgrounds, etc.

@ratbuddy I’m glad you got it going :slight_smile: