Override names - How to know?

I asked this before I think but it was in another thread and I can’t locate it, nor did anyone answer to my knowlege.

I use core overrides, and up til now I have been able to “Guess” what they should be named. But they are not always what you would think. For instance Nestopia UE, has to be named Nestopia. However Mednafen PSX, is not working.

I found the info folder full of files and when editing a core’s file it gives a “Core name” but that name doesn’t always work either…how am I supposed to know what name to use???

Most of them I figure out but I can’t figure out Mednafen PSX.

I tried:

Mednafen PSX Mednafen-PSX Mednafen Sony Playstation Mednafen PS1 MednafenPSX Mednafen_PSX Mednafen_PSX_Libretro

Pretty sure it should be “Mednafen PSX”.

Yeah, it started working with that when it wasn’t working before…I have no clue why…and it never says “Core Override loaded” like it normally does.


I love Retroarch but sometimes it really fights against me :slight_smile:

[QUOTE=NewYears1978;33677]Yeah, it started working with that when it wasn’t working before…I have no clue why…and it never says “Core Override loaded” like it normally does.


I love Retroarch but sometimes it really fights against me :)[/QUOTE]

Well, it turns out it is still not loading. All my other 10 cores load fine but this one will not load.

Actually, I just checked and now randomly NO overrides are loading! UGH! Retroarch is so frustrating. Okay On testing, they are loading but the Shaders I had set for each emulator is now erased in every override file and it’s been replaced with: video_shader = “:\shaders\retroarch.cgp”

So I went in changed the shaders back, saved the config and put it in my override (replacing my old one) and it no longer saves the shader setting.

WTH is going on?

Override files cannot be modified by retroarch.

This has happened to me several times…I don’t know what is happening.

They WERE edited the way I know is I add a wallpaper to each override I create. When this error happened the wallpapers were all gone from my overrides. I had not opened them manually or done anything else that would cause this. Retroarch and configs has given me lots of trouble since I started using. Now I can’t even get them to resave properly. I reset my wallpaper (with my core loaded) then I save the file, rename it and move it to the config folder…and it still doesn’t hvae the wallpaper link in it… no clue what is going on :\

No, retroarch can’t save overrides, it’s not implemented, I added the whole feature and it’s always been like that.

Well I don’t know exactly what is happening but it has happened twice. I’m not crazy I promise.

I had about 7 Overrides setup as follows:


They always loaded and worked properly until tonight when I was having the Mednafen PSX issue. Then randomly I loaded up a game and noticed my shader was no long on. I loaded a game from another system, same thing. Then I checked in notepad++ my Override files from above (every one) and the shaders were no longer in the file as well as the wallpaper setting (that were there before)

My normal process for creating my overrides is to load a core and a game, change my settings then click Save. Then I copy that file to the folders from above and rename it deleting the old file. This has always worked until now. This is a similar issue to when my assets folder suddenly stops working and I have no images in my menus.

Not sure what is happening to be honest…but SOMETHING is happening :\

Right now I have switched to Per Core configs…which is working…but previously before I started using overrides, THAT stopped working as well which is why I had switched to overrides.

So I decided to start fresh, I updated to 1.3.0 and I was just attempting to set my base settings and already am having trouble. I am not sure why Retoarch hates me so much but it just does.

Here’s what’s happening, when I am changing settings a core is loading itself for no reason. When I quit retroarch and load it back up, a core is loaded when it shouldn’t be. So I unload the core and save a new config so I can get a default config and it’s still saving it under that core. Why are the configs so screwed up for me?

I was simply trying to make a few changes to the default config and when I changed Audio Latency, my Gambette core loaded, and I can reproduce it over and over. Then I quit program and reopen and Gambette core is still loaded. If I Unload the core and make some changes and hit save, it saves it as the Gambette core. I am so frustrated with this!!! Going to record a video.

OH MY GOD! Even the video I recorded is screwed up…Once the Shader with bezel was loaded it stayed on the screen for the video only (I didn’t see it when I recorded it…so you can’t even see what happened…ugh) UGH!