Pad problem with Retroarch Mame OUYA

Hello. The d-pad with Retroarch Mame is extremely unresponsive. No problem with Mame4droid. Solution? Thanks.

We’re going to need a bit more information. Is there a specific thing that’s happening? If it just doesn’t “feel” good, you might try some of the other overlays to see if one of those works better for you.

Really, we recommend using a pad, if possible, since touchscreen buttons suck, in general.

Thanks for the support. The d-pad work great with all OUYA game, with menu, whit other emulator. I try with retroarch mame 2003 0.78 and 2010 0.139 but the d-pad work bad, is extremely unresponsive. The problem is in game and in the menu configuration. Many user online have my same problem. Another problem is the audio, no perfect.