PCE Core issues

[QUOTE=hunterk;51642]It’s just ‘options’ in the quick menu while you have content loaded.[/QUOTE]THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! Finally did it. For anyone who comes across this issue in the future, here’s the path I took: Start Retroarch.exe Load Core (Mednafen Supergrafx) Load Content (Starts Game) F1 (Loads Quick Menu) Options Horizontal Overscan (Press Right or Left to turn on)

Thank you to everyone for your assistance!

Could you test with that core here?

You need to copy it in your “core” folder, then Load Core (Mednafen PCE Fast). I need someone having the problem to try “Horizontal Overscan” ON and OFF with it (restart the core completely after each change) to see if I can fix that issue.

Okay, I tried out the new core, and turned off the horizontal overscan, then restarted. The screen seems to be okay now. However, I also retried the Mednafen Supergrafx core with horizontal overscan disabled, and the screen was still perfect. Before, even the Supergrafx core was having issues. It could be that by merely enabling the overscan once fixes whatever caused the issue in the first place across both cores. As such, I cannot be sure that the new core presented actually solved the issue. A fresh install might shed light on this matter.

I just did a fresh install of Retroarch, and started with the downloaded core for Mednafen PCE Fast. Started Battle Royale, and had the same diagonal screen issue again. I replaced it with the test core, but it made no difference. Changed the horizontal overscan, restarted, problem solved. I turn off horizontal overscan, restart, screen is still working perfectly. Unfortunately, it looks like the new core didn’t work, and enabling the horizontal overscan is still required to fix the issue. As near as I can tell, enabling the overscan triggers the correction. This leads me to believe it might not be a core issue, but something within the configuration itself.

*edited redundant sentence

Thanks for testing.

Could you test with this other one? It doesn’t need a restart now.

Tested, works great! For reference, I used the 2016-12-08 nightly build. Ran Champions Forever Boxing. Diagonal Screen. Enabled Horizontal Overscan, problem resolved Disabled Horizontal Overscan, diagonal screen returned

Replaced pce_fast_libretto with test core. Horizontal Overscan was off. Loaded Champions Forever Boxing, no diagonal screen Turned Horizontal Overscan on, no change. Turned off, no change. Conclusion: Test core runs without error, enabling horizontal overscan is not required to resolve “diagonal screen” error

Awesome job!

Thanks for testing.

It should change the horizontal width though: overscan OFF should make the picture a bit larger than with ON. (except if you’re on PAR in video setting aspect ratio)

Is that working?

I updated the code for the Horizontal Overscan: you can now select a width from 300 to 352 in core options (for the games / display mode concerned).

AMD and Intel cards had problem with the default odd value of 341. Now it works by step of 2 pixels (+/- 1 pixel on both sides at once) so that should fix that.

It should be compiled soon in the buildbot (I see it’s there for Android).

I saw it compiled now on win32 buildbot.

Is that fix working for you Lordmonkus?

Good morning!

On the PS Vita, this core is having issues coming back from suspend state or entering the menu to save state, etc.

I installed the Mednafen PCE Fast core, and I got Dungeon Explorer II to run. It works fine, but if I put my Vita to sleep or press the home button while in game, then return to it, the game will continue but the sound becomes a screechy mess. If I save/load state, the sound is still ruined. Another user was having the same issue with Castlevania: Rondo of Blood, so it doesn’t seem to be game-specific.

Thank you!

I opened an issue on Github about that. I don’t know how to fix this myself.

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