PCSX ReARMed crash on start

I haven’t used RetroArch since February of this year. After some updates (Lollipop, new version of RetroArch), the PCSX core crashes the application when loading any file.

I do have Mednafen running, and it likes the BIOS. I’m using a Samsung Galaxy alpha for this - same as in February.

I’ve tried ro reinstall the application, but it always does the same thing. Has anyone seen this before/have any ideas?

We’d have to see a log to know for sure. You can use a free logcat program like .logcat (that’s dot-logcat) to see the logs. Fire it up, make it crash and then hit the logs.

I’m not sure it recorded anything, should I have root?

--------- beginning of main E/SELinux (23266): [DEBUG] get_category: variable seinfo: default sensitivity: NULL, cateogry: NULL D/TimaKeyStoreProvider(23266): TimaSignature is unavailable D/ActivityThread(23266): Added TimaKeyStore provider W/ResourceType(23266): Failure getting entry for 0x01080ac2 (t=7 e=2754) (error -75) D/PhoneWindow(23266): FMB installDecor mIsFloating : false D/PhoneWindow(23266): FMB installDecor flags : 8454400 W/ResourceType(23266): Failure getting entry for 0x01080ac2 (t=7 e=2754) (error -75) W/ResourceType(23266): Failure getting entry for 0x01080ac2 (t=7 e=2754) (error -75) D/AbsListView(23266): Get MotionRecognitionManager D/PhoneWindow(23266): FMB isFloatingMenuEnabled mFloatingMenuBtn : null D/PhoneWindow(23266): FMB isFloatingMenuEnabled return false I/Timeline(23266): Timeline: Activity_idle id: android.os.BinderProxy@9ef4e36 time:108396052 --------- beginning of system V/ActivityThread(23266): updateVisibility : ActivityRecord{2eca9764 token=android.os.BinderProxy@9ef4e36 {org.jtb.alogcat/org.jtb.alogcat.LogActivity}} show : false I/Timeline(23266): Timeline: Activity_idle id: android.os.BinderProxy@9ef4e36 time:108450675 D/ViewRootImpl(23266): ViewPostImeInputStage ACTION_DOWN D/ViewRootImpl(23266): ViewPostImeInputStage ACTION_DOWN W/ResourceType(23266): Failure getting entry for 0x01080ac2 (t=7 e=2754) (error -75) W/ResourceType(23266): Failure getting entry for 0x01080ac2 (t=7 e=2754) (error -75) D/AbsListView(23266): Get MotionRecognitionManager D/ViewRootImpl(23266): ViewPostImeInputStage ACTION_DOWN

Hmm. I don’t think you need root, but that log indeed doesn’t show anything helpful. Try starting the logcat program, then run retroarch and then open logcat back up. Lines from retroarch will start with [RetroArch]

Okay, I still can’t get anything on the phone app. I can get one running adb when I’m home in a bit

The log is too long (~200 kb, only including retroarch section). Should I email you, or is there someplace in particular that you want me to select.

I don’t have psx games anymore so I haven’t tried but I’ve heard that the said core available on RA was crashing at launch on Lollipop. I’ve also heard that the issue had been fixed months ago but since the version available on RA was still the old one, it was still crashing. Are you still using the old version?

you can use pastebin.com

I just put it on a google drive: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B17q9tEIspWjUWJkNkxNZFRQN28/view?usp=docslist_api

For versions, retrosrch is 1.2.2 and rearmed is r22

I have a feeling that this might be related to other problems with the SG Alpha (just google rooting the US Att&t version), so I’ll probably be playing some other game that RetroArch supports well (almost anything - I love the application)

For posterity sake, here’s a couple of other things that I tried:

Moved the core directory to the emulated storage directory for retroarch that isn’t protected by root (/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/come.retroarch/files/core)

Tried launching older versions of the core - R19-22

Created/loaded a config that was created on an OS X build of the app for PCSX reARMed