Pcsx Rearmed PSX stutter with dualshock / vibration

Hi, I am testing Retroarch nightly build on Windows 10.

I have PS4 Dualshock connected via generic bluetooth without ds4windows. So vibration is known not to work.

When running PCSX Rearmed under Retroarch setting controller to standard will cap framerate to 30 and analog stick does not work.

Changing controller type in retroarch options to dualshock or analog works and will get 60fps according to fps overlay info. But audio stutters a lot.

Im testing Ridge Racer R4 without PSX Bios using built in bios.

I tried dsound and xaudio output, various sound settings as well as increasing latency up to 512. I also tried to disable vibration in core options.

I tried both gl and vulkan api.

PSP emulator does not have these issues and even more recent ridge racer runs perfectly there.

There was some merge commit in 2016 for pcsx that solves this and they said it was due to vibration not being available, but being turned on.

Tomorrow I will try ds4windows, which will enable vibration and might be a possible fix. I will also try to look ingame options if there is option to disable vibration apart from disabling it in core options.

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