[QUOTE=syi666;23752]I’ve tried castlevania symphony of the night, crash bandicoot, crash bandicoot 2 wrath of cortex. I’ve tried, bin and iso files. I’d make an ecm and try that but I don’t know how to on unbuntu.
basically what happens is I try and select core, pcsx, load content, select my game, app crashes to home.
I’m using an LG G PAD F 7.0 unrooted.
I’m sure this has been asked a thousand times but I’m just so defeated after trying to get this to work for 3 hours. I can’t get anything to run actuallly. I just tried conkers bad fur day and that crashes to home[/QUOTE]
With the latest 1.2 release, on Shield ATV, I confirmed PCSX + “Castlevania symphony of the night” AND mupen64+“Conker’s Bad Fur Day” work fine with the latest Android release.