Per core hotkeys

I don’t know how to set hotkeys per core since the ability to use per core configs disappeared. Can somebody tell me how to do so? Or is it even possible anymore? Sorry for stupid question, but I’m starting to be desperate.

Okay. Thanks for the info!!

I’m guessing you can’t save them to core overrides from the GUI, but I have a fast forward hotkey mapped to right trigger for cores that don’t need triggers, and I move it or disable for cores that do. You can load a core and game, then open the menu and hit Save Core Overrides. This should create a .cfg file in RetroArch\config\corename. Open that and retroarch.cfg in a text editor. Search (Ctrl+F) retroarch.cfg for the hotkey you want to map for that core. Copy the three lines for that hotkey into the corename.cfg. The first line is a key, the one with _btn at the end is a button and the _axis one is a trigger or analog stick axis. Modify those to what you want set for the core in corename.cfg and save it.

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This is handy for me.

Still possible just some manual edits. Which is fine by me.

Sounds very handy indeed! Thanks a lot!