Per Directory Preset Saves?

Can someone please tell me where the “per directory” shader presets are saved and how they are named? I’m having trouble finding them. Thank you for the help with this.

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They are in the core config folder and have name of the directory.

E.g. MAME roms in a vertical folder would be “config/MAME/vertical.slangp”.

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Thank you. I had some confusion because one of my rom directories was named the same as the core… MAME.

Yeah that would generally not be a good idea, because you couldn’t have both a core and content directory preset.

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Yeah… I’ve just realized that. lol

Thanks again, Duimon.

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Are you just copying all the BIOS files into each directory (horizontal, vertical, etc…)? I’ve tried putting them in a RA>system>BIOS directory but it doesn’t seem to recognize that.

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Are you talking MAME bios files?

I use a non-merged set so each rom has everything it needs.

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Ah… ok. I’m using a split set, so maybe I should switch… it’s like two steps forward one step back. When I get it all set up it will be nice though. So, the non-merged sets, do they have the clones inside the same zip, or separate like the split?

Thanks again for the info, you have helped me out a lot. :+1:

Seperate. I have no idea why people use any sets other than non-merged. The convenience far out weighs the space they take up.

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I just picked up non-merged set on your recommendation. I had noticed them in the past and didn’t know exactly what they were. I’ve been using mostly split sets for years, but I’m always glad to try something that works better.

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