PlayStation 2 Core in Retro Arch?

In Retro Arch is there an emulator/core that you would recommend for the PlayStation 2.?

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We don’t have any cores for PS2. We may port Play! over at some point but it’s still very early in development, so it won’t be any time soon.

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Hey I had a similar question, and I’m glad it was answered by me reading this forum. I’ve never used Play! I’m looking foreword to its eventual inclusion.

I’ve never heard of “Play!” either, is it at all comparable with PCSX2? I’m guessing PCSX2’s team isn’t keen on it’s inclusion, being the reason to go with an alternate?

Mostly just curious, I’m still drooling over the upcoming dolphin core.

Play! is not really comparable to PCSX2 at this point.

We haven’t talked to the PCSX2 guys, it’s just from looking at their code, which isn’t easily portable, currently. I hear they’re working on that, though, so maybe it’ll change in the future. It’s a great, impressive emu either way.



Play! is now available on RetroArch.

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