Dear developers!
PCSX-reARMed is the best PS1 emulator to use on Xperia Play in terms of performance, picture quality and compatibility. However there still is one dark spot which makes this excellent piece of software barely usable. The controls!!! As everyone is perfectly aware, PS1 used to have L2/R2 shoulder buttons which are missing from XPlay’s controller. The issue however can be bypassed. The other Android emulators (ePSXe, FPse, native Xperia Play emulator) have those buttons mapped to touch pads. It is very convenient, but I understand that it’s too much to ask for and probably is not worth your effort. However there is another option - mapping L2/R2 to volume control buttons. But that is virtually not feasible with RetroArch! If I disable the automatic mapping and map the keys manually, they work all right. But the menu key no longer brings up the menu! Hence no way to save, load, switch disk or even exit the emulator properly. Yes, it still can be done through overlay controls, but it makes mandatory having otherwise unnecessary overlay on screen and considerably decreases the user’s convenience. Thus my request is: could you please make the emulator menu key mappable as well, so that it could be mapped to the appropriate device’s button?