Using the latest PPSSPP Core available on buildbot (2015-02-18), I noticed that PSP system messages (usually pertaining to save data on the memory stick duo) do not display properly. It’s instead replaced with a blank, black screen. This doesn’t necessarily mean that the emulation has stopped, as button presses do correspond correctly to their function as if the system message was visible. But other times, the emulator can crash entirely.


  • Metal Slug XX:

Start emulation and you’ll notice the game seems to be loading fine. Suddenly, a blank screen; a system message has popped up. (i.imgur.com/AciUGRG.png – here is what it looks like on the PPSSPP emu)

Pressing the circle button advances through this screen and emulation from here on out seems perfect.

  • Mega Man Maverick Hunter X:

Start emulation and you are only presented with a black screen. A system message you cannot see has popped up. (view in ppsspp emu: i.imgur.com/JINpYAM.png).

Pressing circle seemingly navigates it past the message, but it locks up entirely on the next screen, requiring a force quit to restart retroarch.

  • Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror

Start emulation and you eventually get to a profile creation screen. You can skip this and play the game normally, or you can try to actually create a profile, only to have the emulator crash entirely on completion.

You can view the screen it crashed on here: i.imgur.com/2cTrxX1.png

As a result of the core’s inability to properly display system messages, you cannot natively load or save using the PPSSPP core; it’s worth presuming anything that initiates a system message causes the core to fail as well.

Other things to mention:

PSP Models cannot be switched. For reasons unknown to me, killzone: liberation requires PPSSPP to be set as a PSP Model 1000 in order to run.

Metal Slug Anthology flat out doesn’t work. I haven’t the slightest clue why.

I hope these issues are ironed out soon! This core is already pretty amazing!

Do you have all of the fonts/assets setup? I think one of them is for displaying system messages.

Totally unaware of that!

Copied the assets from PPSSPP and placed them in system/PPSSPP in retroarch. System messages are now displaying, but overall it seems to have created more problems than it solved.

  • System messages display
  • Emulation halts (black screen) after trying to progress past system message
  • Games that once worked are no longer working.
  • Performance hit (FPS slower & audio garbled)


Also worth noting that I’m having these same exact issues with the ppssspp core with retroarch in windows.

There’s been an improvement in performance and compatibility, but I haven’t the slightest clue why, especially since I’ve been bouncing between my windows and Mac partitions and experiencing the same problems on both.

Mega man Maverick hunters x still poses a problem, though. Still locks up after getting past the initial system message.

I’ll test windows to see if it still has any issues.

Enable the threaded input hack under core options and press start as soon as accessing appears on screen. It’s an issue with standalone PPSSPP too