PPSSPP Core options not making changes

When I set the internal res to something more HD the changes are not being made. I have tried making changes, resetting the core/game and I get nothing. If I set the screen res to something more than the default PSP res I get a small window and all black screen. I haven’t been able to find much info on the issue. Is this a known error and something that is being resolved or is it on my end with a config issue? I am using the latest stable build with mostly all default settings.

Are you using the ‘reset content’ option from the menu? If so, that sometimes isn’t substantial enough to trigger major core options. You have to actually back out to the main menu and ‘load content’ again before it will take effect.

hunterk I am pretty sure I have went that route but I will give it another try tonight when I get home from the office. Will keep you posted on my findings. Thanks.

Can confirm no changes are being made in the core options. This is the only core that is having an issue in 1.3. I have tried both opening the umd in default res, upping to x4, closing content, reopening content and nothing has changed. I have also tried making changes, shutting down RA and reopening with the same results.

I tried to reproduce this now and I can’t. It’s working fine on the current code at least.

I have deleted the core and re-added it with the same results, which steps would you suggest I take next. This is on Windows 10 Enterprise RA 1.3 64.