Prboom how to load additional wads?

Hey guys Iv been wanting to load the brutal doom wad up with doom but I have no idea where to input the command to do so. Within the doom settings I see where to add iwads but I am unable to type anything in that field even when I tried plugging in a bluetoooth keyboard. I was also Unable to find the prboom config settings to just add the line in manually. Has someone figured this out? How can I tell prboom to load up the custom wads I want to play? Any help appreciated!

Brutal doom uses another engine afaik

Thank you yes you are correct…it uses .pk3 extension used by zdoom I did not realize. Also for anyone else…I learned that the prboom config is created in the same folder as the doom.wad prdoom.wad so i was able to add in other iwads :slight_smile: