Problem building some cores

HI there!

I’m building retroarch/libretro under debian jessie 64 bits.

I’ve managed to build most cores following the guide at:

But some cores fail at building… Failed cores are: mednafes_snes mame emux_chip8 emux_gb emux_nes emux_sms bnes testgl test

  • I fixed mednafen_snes core building by adding -ldl to LDFLAGS in libretro-super/ibretro-mednafen_snes/Makefile at line 222 ( LDFLAGS += $(fpic) $(SHARED) -ldl )

  • mame fails telling that it needs GCC 5 or higher

  • all the emux_* logs show that weren’t fetched

  • bnes log show that there is a undefinded main reference

I supposed that mame’s GCC 5 requirement can’t be bypassed , but How can be build those other cores?

Thank you and regards.

The best place to look for that sort of thing is libretro-super. It’s what we use for the buildbot.

do you mean file?

Thanks and regards.