Problem - control nintendo 64 - retroartch

I’m trying to set up a control of the nintendo 64 through an adapter in retroarch , however I am not succeeding, Would anyone have any idea of how to set up another control on even that is not the 360?

What OS are you using? What is the adapter? I have a RetroUSB N64 controller adapter and it shows up as “N64” in the Windows “Set up USB game controllers” list.

If you’re using Windows, try typing “Set up USB game controllers” in your start menu, waiting for it to find the relevant program, and opening that. Use that to ensure the N64 controller adapter is being detected. There’s a nice menu to test buttons, axes, and all that.

Also, ensure the “input driver” in RetroArch’s driver config submenu is set to “dinput”. At least, that’s what I’m using.