Problem playlist super cassette vision

Hi everyone and sorry for my English (I’m using google translate). I scanned the super cassette vision romset and created the playlist with the correct names but the games don’t start, the screen starts with lots of colored balloons and the words “game not loaded”. The only game that starts is “doraemon”. Trying when I launch the games from the fronted attrac mode the games work. How is it possible? Thank you

Hi Francesco.

I don’t have it listed. How did you download the core?

Use DeepL, it is a great translator.

I’m on windows and the core for the super cassete vision is not available even with show experimental cores -> on.

It seems that this core never finished being ported and is now outdated.

The only option left is MAME.

In the first quick search I thought the core was abandoned.

If it works, the EmuSCV project page is in gitlab, there you have everything that is needed.

The bios upd7801g.s01 needs to be in the system folder.

For the romset, I recommend No-Intro, it is the most complete and you can use “Import Content » Scan Directory” to create the automatic playlist. They also have thumbnails for two games, the unique mahjongg, (I think there is a fan out there).

The other formats work, but not all of them appear in the list. If you compress it in .zip, the zip name has to be identical to the rom name (this may be your problem).

thanks. but from the fronted attrac mode the games work. From the retroarch playlist no, only from loading content

I did a manual scan and they load just fine. :grin:

If they work with Load Content and not with the playlists, the error is in the playlists you edited.

You don’t need to edit the playlists manually, they are in the RetroArch database.

Do you have the No-Intro set with long names, or a page set with short names? Type astrwrs.o, astrwrs.cart, astrwrs.bin, astrwrs.rom?

I recommend the No-Intro set with long names, it is complete. The others also work, but some are incomplete, or do not display well in the playlists.

Let’s do a cleanup and make the playlists of games automatic…

First delete the playlist you created.
Setting - Playlists - Manage Playlist - ( Select the list ) - Delete Playlist

Update the cores information. Do not use the .info provided on the site, it is outdated.
Main Menu - Online Updater - Update Core Info Files

It then scans the directory to create the playlists automatically.
Import Content - Scan Directory
Browse to the folder with the set and then select
'Scan This Directory`

Additionally, you can associate the core to the whole list
Setting - Playlists - Manage Playlist - Epoch - Super Cassette Vision

If you have any of those rare sets, and a game does not show the name correctly, you can edit it in the interface, select the game and Rename.

Do not use Manual Scan, it has a new bug that does not modify correct rom names and is not needed with this system.

Edit - I guess if it works for you, it is because you have the correct bios in system, even so, I recommend you to confirm the md5.

  • upd7801g.s01

MD5: 635a978fd40db9a18ee44eff449fc126