Problem with retroarch playlist

Hi friends,

Pls, when I scan the ROM folder FB Alpha, generators me the playlist with repeated some names. For example, if I have in to roms folder the following games: “3wonders”, “19xx”, “aburner2”, “gauntlet”, “outrun”, “gaunt2” and “wjammers”, RetroArch scanner rewrite the “gauntlet” and “3wonders” with the same name of “wjammers”. Please see the attachment:

Pls, perhaps you could let me know a solution.

NOTE. I have using the FB Alpha (set roms update)


  • can you confirm that these are verified romsets? (using clrmame) and that the roms are torrntzipped?

  • another cause is that libretro’s dats have been updated, but it seems the rdb has not been compiled iin yet based on these new dats

  • even if both cases above are true, there’s an issue wherein some titles are labeled Zzyzzyxx (set 1) after scanning despite matching crc md5 and sha1 in the zip, dat and generated rdb. ill take a look again at my generated playlist and see if there are indeed duplicate or other wrongly labeled ones just like yours have.

  • best that you post issue here, as when i do post issue it just gets ignored… maybe if someone else post, it may get attention…


Hello wertz,

Many thanks for your replying & support.

Pls, for your information, as I said before, I have my romsets updated to I wonder if you has been check your playlist (?)

Thanks again & kind regards.

no, there are no duplicate titles in my list (at least if its only Windjammers thats duplicated)

if retroarch’s scanning was suppose to be working right, in order that your romsets can be properly scanned, the roms has to be passed to trrnzip app so that the resulting checksum of the zip will be the same as expected in database.

but even if you did make sure that romsets has ben run with trrntzip, currently there seems to be an issue with the scanning function, as i dont understand where these duplicates came from when fbalpha roms was suppose to match by zip’s crc(dunno if retroarch uses md5 or sh1 for matching).

the last time the scanning worked fine was when i updated database to split and merged sets)


  • fba split romsets seems to be detected fine (assuming romsets are indeed verified with clrmame and trrntzipped).
  • will look into the problematic romsets. but in anycase, there should be no duplicate titles happening or a possibility of wrong labels when the dat and rdb has the correct entries, so something is still wrong how this function operates.
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Hi wertz,

I appreciate your time and reply.

I passed trrnzip but same problem continue.

Thank you all the same & regards.

you probably have a different packed romsets. RA’s database only works with split romsets and merged romset. verify which romsets you have by actually verifying them with clrmame. but i wouldnt bother much about this due to current issue as ive posted above. you can still play your romset without using playlist… by using load content instead.

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Hi Wertz,

Thanks so much for everything.

For FBA, I like split format and for MAME, I like merged format. My romset is already in split format and 100% updated. Right now, all I do is edit my playlist (file .lpl) and manually change duplicate titles. In this way, I get out of trouble. I hope that this issue will be it is resolved in the immediate future.

B. regards.

I have to put my one comment I wanted to make about retroarch here because people who run into problems can’t start a new topic unless they hang around for a long time commenting on stupid shit. I’d suggest getting rid of the “trusted” garbage. Now to the point. I was having some problems with it so I uninstalled it and it took with it my entire emulation folder, all the emulators I already have, every rom, every save game and save state and now I have nothing, having lost hundreds of hours of gametime. So before I even got to the point where I could play a game it RUINED my entire emulation experience. I have never seen anything like this from any windows program, ever.

Like I said, I’d have preferred to just make a new topic because I couldn’t find anything that mentioned this through the search function but this is the only avenue y’all have left me with.

And now my comment has to be approved by a moderator? Jesus fucking christ get your shit together

I get that you’re upset, but the attitude doesn’t make me want to interact with you. Keep it civil if you expect anyone to care.

On to your issue: I’m sorry you lost all your shit, but I’ve never heard of that happening to anyone else ever. Did you move all over your other stuff into your RetroArch directory before uninstalling or something?